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Bamse sound, 23k AU

Here is "Bamse" the strongest bear of the world, and also the nicest. "Bamse" must eat his huney which is made by his granny to get strong, if anybody else than "Bamse" eat the huney they get a horrible pain in their stomach for tree days. Bamse has a wife "Brummelisa" and four children which he loves very much.

The Family

This is Bamses wife "Brummelisa". She has not got " Bamses" strength, but she is just as kind as " Bamse". She was not with the story from the beginning.
This is Nallemaja oneof the four children and also one of the triplets Bamse have. She has a pretty bad tempour and is not afraid of a fight. She's a good pupil at school, and she also often protect the weaker one's from the evil ones.
This is "Brum" an ordinary bear, and one of the triplets. It's nothing special to say about him, in fact. He's very much like his father "Bamse", but not at all that strong.
This is "Teddy", the brightest of the children. In the future he will probably be a professor or something equal to that. He often saves the other children from dangerous things with bright solutions.
This is "Brumma" the youngster in the family.

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