
This is a contest called "hide and seek on the internet". Inside the pages you can find hidden links to four pages. Your mission is to find them. If you can do that, you can have your name written on the Winners list. Remember you must find all four. Contest rules below.

1. Find the four pages, and write down the secret numbers in the submission form(works only with netscape). If that doesn't work send me an email. In the hidden pages you find the secret numbers.

2. The Winners list has information on date, age, name,country and city. The minimum of information you have to supply with is your name and the numbers.

3. Here are some hints that can help you in the contest, you find one in each category and they are at the bottom of the pages. Ho Ho, mjau, he he sucker, old sock.Thats it.

I will be updating the list once a week if nothing unaspected happens. So good luck in the contest, and don't give up so easily you will find them. The contest start 30/Dec/98.

