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World of Astrid Lindgren, facts about Astrid, Some books with Astrid.

Go to Pippiworld in Sweden The picture is from the World of Astrid Lindgren, the place have many attractions for both small and big kids. Pippi Longsocking is not the only one who is in focus, it's almost all the caracters Astrid has wrote about. The World of Astrid Lindgren is located in Vimmerby, the birthplace of Astrid Lindgren. This place is worth a visit even though your not a fan of Astrid Lindgren, it's irresistible for the kids and the adults who likes Astrids books. They have their own homepage wich I can recommend strongly, if you want to go their click on the picture to the left.
Astrid Lindgren Astrid Lindgren was born in 1907. She grew up at a farm called Näs outside the small town of Vimmerby in the south of Sweden. After passing lower certificate examination she qualifed for office work. She practised for a few years. She then married and gave birth to two children. Her first book The Confidences of Britt-Mari was published in 1944. One year later Pippi Longstocking appeared in the bookshops. After this publication the author came out with a new book every year, sometimes with several books a year. As no other Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren always defends children and their rights. She stands from the the children's
point of view. The Nobel committee should bee ashamed for not giving Astrid the Nobel price, no one deserve the price more than Astrid Lindgren

Here follows some of the books Astrid has written. The titles are in Swedish.

  • Pippi Långstrump.
  • Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist.
  • Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn.
  • Nils Karlsson-Pyssling
  • Mio min Mio.
  • Lillebror och Karlsson på taket.
  • Barnen på Bråkmakargatan.
  • Madicken.
  • Emil i Lönneberga.
  • Bröderna Lejonhjärta.
  • Ronja Rövardotter.
  • Vi på Saltkråkan.

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