(feelings by ... Ginger)

Lost in the Dance of Reunion

Lost in your dance, my feelings became raw
I've seen to much rage, to many walls

You came to me with to many sorrows
With a past you kept tightly surrounded
I see no hope of a tomorrow

Crises, turmoil's, sufferings and pains?
Is nothing positive? always the same
You asked me to help you uncover your shames.
You had to many excuses, to much to blame.

Walls and circles, many dividers

You'd say one thing one way
It would be different the next day

You asked me to help you feel and express
I did my up most my very best
I felt it always being a test
I felt I was guessing at the rest

You seemed to want all of me, nothing less
How deeply I needed some solitude - a rest

I felt like I was jumping through hoops
You asked me to help you find a solution
I looked for you, You found excuses

You say, "I have less time than you"
Does that give you rights to do what you do
and continue to hurt me too?
I'd say" when are you going to move?
You say, "When I want to"

Feeling and actions, only 1/2 truths?
It seem you only wanted me to love talk you
How do you rock and cradle on demand?
I had to step back and take a stand

I was always walking around big holes
Is there something wrong with me
That I needed and sought honesty?

I know my boundaries and my limitations
I am sad you say "no need for them in my relations"
I've lost most my tolerance and my patients

After 4 years, the same old same old
Nothing changes when nothing changes
I felt set up like others to hurt you
That made me unhappy - very blue

The Abuser/Rescuer/Victim/Player?
That hurts to be in set in those rolls
It pierces the depth of my soul

I wanted to know you deeply in my life
I had no idea it would bring such heartaches, and strife

I've loved you more than you ever know
I've loved you as much as I could show
I told you all of me, I hide nothing
It seemed like nothing I did was good or real
I'm surrendering - I standing still
It is hard to break through your strong will

I am waving and putting the white flag up
I can no longer fill up your empty cup
I didn't feel you wanted just me,
What did you want, what do you see?
I felt glued to the floor
I felt you wanted way much more
That hurt me, made me sad and sore

You don't always have to be a good and perfect one
The innocent, frail, shy, not my fault girl
I needed the real - honest just my Child

So afraid I would know the real you?
Even if I do, does it mean I won't love you?

I felt so much emotional blackmail
I felt tons of jealousy, envy - get evens
I can't talk of other people in my life?
How sad I felt, how allfull - sighhhh
They too loved, needed and wanted me

Playing...come and get me if you can
It's all so very painful - Damn
Love doesn't always bring flowers
Love takes hard work, rain, and lots hours

I am not the mommy you came looking for
You are not that baby I'd yearned to hold
I am not what you hoped and wondered about
You are not what I had dreamed and thought
Honesty and reality have not be sought
Reality has set in, it hurts allot

I love to talk with others and share,
That's not wrong or right; it is just there
I am sad you've chosen not to share
It is your responsibility to speak up

The very things you've asked me for
You've continue to slam all doors
Or you've push for more and more
The closer I got to the REAL you
The more you'd throw tantrums and say, "guess who"

Life will always remain the same
When your looking for someone to blame
I've done it YOUR way - it stayed the same
I can't go back there and play that game

Love is not from one, its from two
Love isn't an It, it something we DO!
I now need somethings from you

I don't want things my way - I need a say
I needed and begged for truth
I got something differant each day
I do not feel truth has been there
Yet you asked it from me - quit unfair

I wish love was all we needed
I have enough for us both
My love is deep and seeded

I share with you what a mother would tell
You resist my efforts and crawl in a shells
Look! I see a heart covered with veils
Full of unhappiness, lots of tales?
Many mask's are being worn
It rips my heart - I am feeling torn

Dancing and jumping in the fire
You are right - time for quite hour

You've changed the rules a hundred times
I can't catch up - I fall far behind
It's up to you - your way your time
I am leaving it alone - I'll wait for a sign
Maybe you'll want to walk in the light
Perhaps then we can set things right
I feel possitive in all that I did
You take your feelings and hide
I can't keep up with all the lies

....Written by Ginger to Tina after four years
of dancing in the fire.

June, 2000

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