A Few Search Registries
Free Registries
  • ReunionRegistry.Com -- Highly recommended!
  • Adoptee Birthfamily Connections
  • Adoptee's Free Search Registry
  • Adoptee Search Center and Registry
  • Adoption.Com
  • Adoption Triad Outreach
  • ALMA Registry Databank
  • Black Market Adoptee's Registry
  • Closing the Gap
  • D.'s Data Base -- Categorized by State
  • Family Ties Adoption Search Database
  • FindMe.Org
  • Gina's Adoption Page
  • International Registration Day, 1999 -- International Soundex Reunion Registry
  • Lost Angels Registry
  • Lynch's Adoption Reunion Registry
  • Merry-Go-Round International Adoption Search Registry
  • Reunion.Com
  • Reunion Registry: The Difference
  • Reunions Online Adoption Registry
  • Sheri's Adoption Reunion Registry -- Worldwide
  • The Adoption Registry
  • United States Adoptees Searching
  • Free State Registries
  • Bits & Pieces Registry -- For North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Virgina, and Washington DC
  • Tammy's Adoption Search Page -- For Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont
  • Arizona Adoption Registry
  • Arkansas
  • Arkansas Adoption Connection
  • Arkansas Reunion Registry
  • California
  • California Mutual Consent Registry
  • Colorado
  • Adoption Search and Reunion -- Colorado
  • Delaware Reunion Registry
  • Florida
  • Finding in Florida
  • The Cole Baby Registry -- For the 'Cole Babies' of Miami, FL
  • The Florida Adoption Triad
  • Georgia
  • Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry
  • N. Georgia Reunion Registry
  • Indiana
  • Indiana Searching
  • Kentucky
  • Ole Kentucky Home Registry
  • Michigan
  • Michigan Adoption
  • Mississippi
  • Mississippi Reunion Registry
  • New Mexico
  • New Mexico Adoption Registry
  • Oklahoma
  • Oklahoma and Kansas Adoption Registry
  • Oregon
  • Oregon Adoption Registry
  • Tennessee
  • Tennessee Mama's Reunion Registry
  • Tennessee Reunion Registry & Info Page (Chattanooga)
  • Wisconsin
  • Wisconsin Adoptee & Birth Family Registry
  • Free Registries -- Canada
  • British Columbia's Adoption Reunion Registry
  • Canadian Adoptees Registry and Classifieds
  • Parent Finders (Ottawa) Adoption/Reunion
  • Fee-Based Registries
  • Adoption and Missing Person's Bureau
  • AdoptionRegistry.Net
  • BirthQuest
  • Find-Me Registry
  • Gladney Center for Adoption -- Voluntary Registry
  • Back to the Top

    Search Resources

    Vital Records by State
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
  • District of Columbia
  • Genealogy Sites
  • Ancestry.Com
  • Family Tree Maker Online
  • GenTree.Com
  • Maiden Name Index
  • TNGen Web Project
  • People-Finders
  • 555-1212.Com
  • AnyWho
  • Bigfoot
  • Canadian 411
  • GTE Yellow Pages
  • Switchboard
  • The Ultimates
  • WhoWhere - Lycos
  • Fee-based People-Finders
  • 1-800-USSEARCH
  • LocateMe.Com
  • Miscellaneous
  • Better Business Bureau -- Find businesses
  • Falsified Birth Certificates
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    Search Help

  • An Adoptee's Right to Know -- Includes Shea's Search Series
  • Carter's Adoption Search Page
  • Volunteer Search Network
  • Back to the Top


    Helpful Sites
  • Tennessee Adoption Community
  • Adoptee Birthfamily Connections -- Also listed under free registries, an excellent site with many resources.
  • Adoption.Org
  • Adoption Works, Etc - Birthmothers helping birthmothers.
  • Birthmother Heartstrings
  • KKay's Adoption Corner
  • National Adoption Information Clearinghouse
  • The Adoption Connections Project: Women's Journeys
  • Voices of Adoption
  • Adoption-Related Chats
  • WBS Adult Adoptees Chat -- Highly Recommended!
  • AIML Chat
  • Adoption Support Chat -- From parentsplace.com
  • Adoption.Com Chat -- 4 Chat Rooms
  • AdoptionTriad.Org Chat -- 6 Chat Rooms
  • Adoptnet.Org Chat
  • Voices of Adoption Chat-O-Rama
  • EMail Lists
  • Adoptee's Internet Mailing List
  • Back to the Top


  • American Adoption Congress
  • Bastard Nation
  • Center for Adoptee Rights
  • E-The People
  • Mr. Smith Emails Washington/The Media
  • Back to the Top

    Personal Sites

  • Amphibianess
  • An Adoptee's Journey
  • Birthname Cheshire!
  • Fancy's Place
  • Is Anybody Listening? -- Includes surveys for all triad members.
  • Jeff Humpert's Adoption Page
  • Kayhh's Radical Opinions!
  • Life is a Journey
  • Mary's Adoption and Search Story
  • Paper Wings
  • She's So Very Charlie
  • The Adoption Story
  • Birth Mothers Helping Birth Mothers
  • Back to the Top

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    and any additional comments you may have.

    Thank you, Ginger and Tina

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