Wesley's Story


    Wesley was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 17,1991. At birth he was healthy and was 20 1/2 in. long and weighed 6 lb. 1 oz. He was so beautiful!!! Little did I know the change that would take place in our lives in a short time... Though the last 61/2 years have been rough in many ways there have been so many good times as well!!!! And so many joys!!!
    On November 3rd, at 17 days old Wesley went into Primary Children’s
Hospital. He was diagnosed with Encephalitis 3 days later... Encephalitis is an infection in the Spinal fluid and the brain. Resulting from this are many changes.... Wesley has Cerebral Palsy, Moderate Mental Retardation, A seizure disorder & speech problems, and still is in diapers (or as we are now supposed to say "briefs").
    We have also learned so much and met so many wonderful People as well!!!! In fact our best friends we met while He was first in the hospital!  Wesley has spent a good part of his life having therapy, going to doctors,  taking daily medications, tests and has been in school since before he turned 3!
    We were on first name basis with the emergency room staff for the first
3 years of his life.....And through all of this he has remained a sweet loving giving little guy!!!! He will more than likely never grow up to be an adult mentally... and yet in the 6 and a half years of his life has given more than most people give to the world in a lifetime....
    I thank all the people in my life who have been there for us for allthe hardtimes and the good as well!!!! I thank God for the faith He has in me...
He has allowed me the gift of one of the world's Special Children!!!

                    story by Lynda Paswaters, Wesly's mom