Trinidad & Tobago

Jokes from Trinidad and Tobago
Yuh know yuh is a Trini if...
- You refer to all salt crackers as "Crix".
- Hot chocolate means melted Milo, in water.
- You know the meaning of the word "obzokie".
- You call everyone "breds" (meaning brethren) who is not a relative
- You arrive 2 hours late for everything and still believe you're on time
- You go to parties for the food... and the word free never quite had the same meaning.
- Your recipe for making orange juice is plenty water, plenty sugar,plenty ice and only 2 orange... and ah pak ah red kool-aid tuh stretch it...
- You say "boy" at the beginning of a sentence and "man" at the end of it...
- The words "yes we" doesn't refer to any people. .
- "Priority" doesn't have anything to do with what you have to do right away.
- You put ketchup and peppersauce on your pizza.
- Anchovies? Yuh losin' it or what?
- Your cupboards are full of canned corned beef, pepper sauce and red beans and baked beans ...and a dry coconut for the pelau.
- You think steak is a waste of good meat. You rather cut it up and stew it with some potatoes instead ... or curry it and make roti.
- You use your finger to measure the water when cooking rice. .
- You bring home food from a party.
- "Dis August holidays" actually start in July. .
- You show disappointment by sucking on your teeth (steupsing) ...
- You can conjugate "ah steupse" by age four (three if yuh smart)
- You still call a soda a "sweet drink" and an avocado, a "zaboca". and you go to the shoprite clerk and ask them "whe allyuh have de breez?" meaning "where is the laundry detergent?".
- You say "whappenin" even at a funeral.
- You tell the host "Good Night" when you arrive at someone's home in the evening.
- When someone pays you a compliment, you say "Doh mamaguy meh". .When someone sympathises with you, you comment "Yuh think it easy?".
- You refer to all sweet coloured juice as "Kool-Aid".. .
- You call a quarter a "schilling" when this really means 24 cents.
- You know that using "blue" makes white clothes whiter.
- Just because something is called a "bake" you don't assume that it indicates the way it was cooked.
- You have at least one relative living in either England, Canada, or the US.
- You know that a washy-kong bears no relationship to King Kong.
- You know about straightening, pressing, S-curls and Gherri curls regardless of your ethnic background.
- You have cancelled plans because of rain even when you're going to be indoors
- Rain is also a legitimate reason to be late for a rendez-vous...or to miss work. ...
- All vaccinations are called injections.
- All dish washing detergents are called "Squezy". .
- You know of at least one person who wakes up at 4am to LISTEN to cricket from Australia / New Zealand on the RADIO.
- On at least one occasion you have: been told that you have a cold in some part of your anatomy other than your head or chest and/or had a virus named after something popular with the times eg. Bionic, Ninja, the hijab and the sting.
- Despite lack of interest, someone has tried to convince you of the benefits of taking a purge, or becoming a born again.
- You can feel cold when it's 25 degrees Celcius.
- You pronounce words in plural, even though it's meant to be singular, eg."gimme ah COKES" or "ah GRAPES" or "TOMATOES choka".
- You pronounce words in singular, even though it's meant to be plural. Eg." ah goin to ah Leaf game" or " pass me meh pant"
- You say "FLIM" (film), "AXE" (ask)or "PITIAH"(picture), "STATELLITE" (satellite), "CUTLASH" (cutlass). .
- You know what "Wukking a 10-days" is, and know darn well it's going to take much longer than 10 days.
- You know the meaning of several indian words, eg. "dahl", "bahgee", "channa", "bharra", "chunkae", "bowgee" and use them in every language and actually believe them to be the correct English terms. .
- You know that a lime is not necessarily a fruit.
- You call any 'older' woman "Tantie" and any 'older' man "Uncle", regardless of whether or not they are related to you or even know you.
- You could sing an entire Parang song in Spanish word for word, but don't speak or understand a word of Spanish.
- You can't bring yourself to using the correct "scientific" names of sensitive body parts because you think it sounds vulgar. Instead you use child-like words such as "tot tots", "bam bam", "totie" or "bumsy"
- When in doubt of how to prepare something to eat ... CURRY is the always the solution. You know Trinis will curry any and everything (not just meat) even mango, fish, conch, chataigne, etc...
- You can call your fellow "countryman" by an ethnic name and it would be ok, eg. chinee-man, redman, or doegs.

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