Dawn's House of Commons 01-12-01

Glamdring Good evening everyone, thank you for coming to tonight's Dawn Open House. This Stratics House of Commons chat is a direct connection between you the players and the designers and programmers of Dawn.

GL-Jeff Jeff ownz joo

Glamdring This chat will be in a moderated format. To ask a question of the developers, please /msg or /query the question takers that will be listed in the topic of the channel. These question takers will then present the questions to the Dawn development team present this evening. Please /msg or /query different question-takers at different times, in order to balance the load and speed the process up.
Glamdring I will be our moderator tonight...I will post your question into the House of Commons chat channel and the Developers will answer those that they can. Please remember that your question may have been asked previously or may not be able to be answered in a public forum.
Glamdring Please try to keep the number of questions for each individual down as we have a very large crowd and would like to answer as many people as possible. Please do not message or query myself or anyone from Glitchless, these questions will be ignored.
Glamdring Before we get started, we would like to introduce the Dawn team

GL-Jeff I'm Jeff, Lead Game Designer and Programmer

GL-Matt I'm Matt- I'm the sound effects specialist

GL-Jeff GL-RazM is our lead 3D model/animation specialist
GL-Jeff GL-SevenOsix is 3D model/texture artist for basically all things non-creature

Glamdring *Zonan* It's been said that when you die in Dawn, that's the permanent end of your character. Have the developers thought of implementing a system (similar to dragonrealms) where one can earn the "favor" of the "gods" by various, difficult quests, which would enable a character to be resurrected upon his death?

GL-Jeff Introducing some sort of favor of the God's system as a back up for death makes it the most important thing in game play, since without it your gameplay can end permanently.
GL-Jeff This greatly lowers, in our opinion, the players fun because they are always faced with a the tedious and linear task of "appeasing the gods" which is NOT something that we even wish for players to want to do.
GL-Jeff in Dawn you play out your own destiny and make your own decisions, be they evil or good. Players will not be rewarded by following some preset actions which inhibit game dynamics.

Glamdring *Gaidal* How will your way of notifing relatives and friends of murder victims affect those of us wanting to play as an assassain/thief character, will our deeds be well known no matter the secrecy we use?

GL-Jeff The notificatoin process you mention has not been revealed yet.
GL-Jeff We have several ideas for this, all of which will be tested during beta. We have no intentions of making a perfect murder impossible, although we do seek to make a way for people to tell who has killed who in some cases without actually having seen it.

Glamdring *Kotetsu* When I played Ultima Online, I noticed there were a lot more males than females (about a 15:1 ratio). If all PCs are created via sexual reproduction, won't something like that cause a problem?

GL-Jeff It may be hard for males to find a mate, which will drive up the "value" so to speak of female characters.
GL-Jeff It's important to realize, however, that although more offspring would be produced if the ratio was 1 to 1, it doesnt mean that there won't necessarily be enough offspring, but in that case we have some safeguards which we will enable.

Glamdring <Eltharion> I am curious to know why you are programming the engine under DX, instead of OpenGL. (Generally, OpenGL is much faster, more supported, and more easially ported.) Is it just 'ease of development' you have chosen DX?

GL-Jeff If you ask my opinion as a programmer I say that currently OpenGL edges out DX in overall adaptability and performance. However we have opted to use DX instead because of certain hardware/software alliances between some of the "big boys" in the industry which we feel will gives DX the edge in the long run when it comes to specialized use of graphics hardware.

Glamdring *Devik_Azagthoth* A lot of members of my clan are concerned with details of communication using psionics. They are afraid that there will be too many people using this ability at once and it will possibly clutter their screens. Could you give us a little more insight into how this ability is going to work?

GL-Jeff There's no reason why psionics would clutter your screen anymore than standard messages.
GL-Jeff Psionics will work just the same, except you will be in "psionics" mode rather than "speech" mode when you type into your console to send a message.
GL-Jeff You will always be able to receive both speech and psionics though, so there's no need to worry about toggling between modes when doing the receiving.

Glamdring *SunCrush* are there any plans for some sort of voice chat, using roger wilco, MS gamevoice, etc. Perhaps something that was optional for people with broadband connections?

GL-Jeff Nothing is keeping people from using programs like Roger Wilco when they play Dawn, and we encourage it for tight groups of people and hardcore players.
GL-Jeff We will not be building in any such systems however because of bandwidth needs and uniformity. For instance we dont want to have a built in advantage for broadband users who can hear the voices of people around them and have modem users suffer in the dark.

Glamdring *Gyzmo* Say someone digs a hole and fills it up again will the ground look like there was some digging done, and if so will it be possible to conceal it so things look exactly like the ground was?

GL-Jeff We have no as of yet implemented any ground texture changes for digging. It's actually on a low priority now, and i can't promise you one way or the other if the ground will change appearance texturally, but it most certainly will polygonally.

Glamdring <Majesty_Michael> How will healing actually take place? Magic poof your healed or Empathy?

GL-Jeff Simply depends on the spell. Some heals will be gradual and require health trade offs, others will be instantaneous but severally draining on your mental constitution.

Glamdring *BaragIronblood* When the architect starts to design a building will there be some sort of marks on the ground where the walls will be? Both for him to make sure his walls will line up correctly and also for the builders to have some idea of the scale of the building? Or will he use an interface to design the whole building then layout the completed plan?

GL-Jeff The building of complex architecture will require much planning on the part of the architect outside of the game. Building will occur piece by piece and it will be up to the architect to use the tools he is given to properly position them. There will not be any built in system that helps builders.

Glamdring *Etheral* will the beta testers be sent a CD or will it be downloaded

GL-Jeff Beta testers will be given the option of Download or mail for the beta software that is aimed to be released in Spring. Don't worry about sending in your addresses or anything yet though, we will collect that information later via e-mail.

Glamdring *Soldat* If we do not eat will we die? If we don't need to eat, will food still play an important role in the game?

Danciy Soldat it is coming hun

GL-Jeff Yes you need to eat, and yes it can lead to your death. But starvation probably won't be a direct cause of death, but it will take your stats so low eventually that tripping would kill you.

Glamdring *Ashen_Soul* I am the leader of a council of like minded people of wich about half will be making the journey to Dawn. I see that you are no longer taking applications for Kingdoms, but will let people enter together at beta. Is there anything That I can do as the leader of the council to work with you to get a kingdom at the begining of Beta ?

GL-Jeff Although we no longer award forums to clans we will still be allowing you to take advantage of the group spawn mechanism at the start of the beta. Applications will be available about a month prior.

Glamdring <Alamar> has there been any specifics decided on the race vision advantages like infravision, telescopic sight, etc.?

GL-Jeff Yes but they won't be posted until immediately before the beta.

Glamdring *Batta* How will we be able to mark/tag others uniquely so that one can't masquerade as someone they are not? Will we be able to uniquely or magically enhance tatoos, or create a unique design, only available to be created by the original creators?

GL-Jeff Tattooing, one of the main sources of individuality (other than scarring) will be an art. So someone could attempt to mimic your every look and tattoo to pretend to be you, but it would be very difficult, just as it is in real life. Chances are there would be some minute differences (or major such as a scar which can't be reproduced because they occur randomly) which would cue your fellow players in to your deceit.

Glamdring *NerZuhl* If followers can be created (via necromancy skeletons), will they always be tied to you, or could you tie them to someone else. As a service to provide followers for those who want them?

GL-Jeff You can bind your followers to other people via magic.
GL-Jeff This will be especially important for breeders, for instance a horse breeder, who trained horses and sold them to other players.
GL-Jeff the advantage of training a horse from infancy and having it be a follower as opposed to taming it at later levels is that it will be 100% loyal.

Glamdring *Ramay* will there be marriages and a way to do name changes then?

GL-Jeff Everything in Dawn is governed by the players. If you want to have a marriage, then simply host a celebration on your own - there won't be GM's that officially sanction things such as this that should be completely player controlled.
GL-Jeff And as for name changes, remember there are no actual "names" in the game. Your name is what you tell people you go by, not some text graphic that floats around above your head the entire game.

Glamdring *Mangus* Will you be able to build underwater and Sky cities?

GL-Jeff Yes building underwater is a definite possibility. Floating cities - not in the beta atleast. Thats a low priority right now, we're just trying to finish the basics. But its definitely a possibility if not in the release, then in an expansion if we have them.

Glamdring <Seneth> Will, Evolution, in any form, be present in Dawn? I've seen somethings that could be interpreted as hints to this.

GL-Jeff The entire game itself will evolve due to our invention skill which introduces new items into the game on a regular basis. As for evolution of creatures and plants...we probably won't be implementing anything to that degree.

Glamdring Cerapo* Question: If plants will have levels like animals, will the levels of plants determine how much food or the quality of food you can gather from them? Or, will it determine the amount/quality of wood that you can get from trees (making developed plant-communities more valuable resources than newly formed ones)?

GL-Jeff Plants will have levels, and the level will determine both the amount and quality of the resources you get from them.
GL-Jeff Remember folks, read the chat topic for question posting instructions, do not message me with your questions please.

Glamdring *Yourmom* How will I aid other people in building, smithing, etc? Will it be like age of empires, where you can get 200 people working on a house to get it done in 5 seconds, or will castles have to be built by maybe 3 men at a time?

GL-Jeff It will be like AOE.
GL-Jeff The more people you have working on a structure, the faster it goes up.

Glamdring *Azuroth* Can Sylvian elves builf their houses in tree's? I assume that if they can, we also have the ability to climb tree's??

GL-Jeff Yes there is both climbing and tree building.

Glamdring *Burimpu* Will Lum the Mad and all other "lummies" be premptively banned from Dawn?

GL-Jeff Nah, we won't mind the poor bastards when they're forced to shut up when the beta releases and blows them away.

Glamdring <Danciy> Are there many options to customize your character's physical appearance? Everquest lacked this but Asheron's Call has done well in this area. What about Dawn?

GL-Jeff Dawn seeks to out perform even AC in player customization. AC had an advantage over EQ of course because players were limited to one race. But with the scarring, tattooing, and extreme armor customizations that we're making available in Dawn it will be easy to tell people apart. (it's also necessary)

Glamdring <Deathshead> I know from the faqs that the magic will be item based but will ther be any ways to permenetly enchant other items like weapons or other items instead of just haveing set magics on an item
Glamdring Seneth* In the Beta, will you be choosing the starting locations of each kingdom as to provide equality, or will you place us randomly?

GL-Jeff Everything in the game that isn't a creature or person is considered an item. And you can enchant any item, and you can use the enchantment on any item if you are holding it or have it in your inventory.
GL-Jeff Remember, PC procreation.
GL-Jeff You are born to parents, therefore you will be born whereever your parents are.
GL-Jeff If you do not choose parents, we will be assigning you to parents, how we do this may be random, but will most likely depend on what areas of the world we feel need more population.

Glamdring *Gorukha* How will you handle PvP ?

GL-Jeff Well the question is, how will YOU handle PVP, because we aren't placing any restrictions on it.

Glamdring *Ramay* will there be sex based differences...ex man base strength greater than female give it is the same in race

GL-Jeff No we've decided to keep the sexes equal except for the fact that women can have babies and men can't.

Glamdring *C_Volkswagen_Pac* Would you consider dawn to be a game, or as mentioned before, a social experiment? And if so, have you thought about possible university sponsorship?

GL-Jeff It's as much a game as a social experiment...
GL-Jeff But we will not be raising funds in that manner.

Glamdring <Janoddyn> Can you give us any timeframe as to when we might see some screenshots with a GUI setup or some movies of character models doing stuff in the engine?

GL-Jeff Oh lol, i almost forgot, we just put up two new screenshots on the website so check them out.
GL-Jeff Razm's currently hard at working making an especially nice GUI and we should have some screenshots for you within a couple weeks at the latest
GL-Jeff I must admit i'm a GUI junkie, and I can promise you, our GUI will be the most easy-to-use and customizable on the market.

Glamdring *Vanlist* What do you say to the pepole (some of whom are important pepole in the gaming world) that say dawn does'nt and could'nt exsist with current technology and the limited man power of the dawn team. can you say or do anything to put these pepole in there proverbial places? and why the lack of in game screen shots?

GL-Jeff We simply say wait until the game comes out. Obviously the majority of the people out there don't know how we are doing the things we are doing with the Dawn engine otherwise they'd be doing it themselves.
GL-Jeff And we're still in alpha stages of production remember, and we've released a good amount of not only screenshots but engine motion captures. Some people won't be convinced, however, until we actually release the game - and hell I dont have a problem with that at all as long as when the game comes out they buy it :)

Glamdring *oroborus* Regarding the player built housing... Will it be destructable? If so how will it be handled if the owners are NOT logged in to the server at the time of attack?

GL-Jeff Buildings will be destructable at all times. If we didn't do this then people could make builder characters who build build indestructable walls and then logged off forever...that would be a hell of a defense eh? But yeah, basically you should feel lucky that we're even giving your character invulnerability when logged :)

Glamdring *Tatt* can u make armor with insignia on it to tell groups apart

GL-Jeff Yes there are multiple disciplines of tattooing in Dawn, and one of them involves marking on armor and clothing. So yes you can put clan symbols and such on your armor.

Glamdring *NerZuhl* When resurecting a player, does the body need to be intact? Also does the body of the intended resurectie need to be present?

GL-Jeff All depends on the spell really. There won't just be ONE ressurection spell, some will require the body, some will require the body intact, some will require old underwear, it all depends.

Glamdring KataPelte I'm interested in the combat system. How much actual control do you plan to give the players? Should we expect auto-attacking, auto-attacking with timed special attacks, or something more like an action game?

GL-Jeff The combat system of Dawn is NOT like that of AC or EQ. There's far more FPS style action involved, but not so much that LPBs will dominate. If you choose to swing your sword you will have to target your enemy with your cross hair and click the swing button.
GL-Jeff Also you will be able to choose the amount of power you put into each swing which adds strategy as well as skill to the combat system.

Glamdring *levine* You mention that you have a computer generated world. From a design perspective this is great, but how will you ensure that areas such as dungeons, towns, etc. are balanced and fun in terms of gameplay? Will there be areas of the world that are designed by hand that you can 'drop in' to the computer world? To what degree is world creation automatic and to what degree does the world builder have a say in what goes on?

GL-Jeff The world IS randomly generated to a certain extent, but yes much of it is still a Human telling the computer HOW to randomly generate things, then going in and checking to make sure enough detail and believability exist in the world.
GL-Jeff There will be varieties of landscapes and landtypes that will blend together to make a very believable world in the end...a world that will be spherical as well so you wont be running into "zone boundries"
GL-Jeff As far as towns go, remember, you are the ones making the towns. Dawn starts from scratch.

Glamdring *SoulRender* Will the weapons and armor be created by a blacksmith type profession, whereas they can produce some new types of magical weapons and armor?

GL-Jeff Blacksmithing will actually be a very fun trade in Dawn because you can physically alter the weapons you create.
GL-Jeff You'll actually be able to watch the shape of your blades change as you hammer them out to create completley different looking objects.
GL-Jeff You can produce a very large variety of items because you can make the same items out of many different materials and combinations of materials

Glamdring *Feldgar* The listing of the races on www.glitchless.com implies that different races have different types of magic powers, (I.E. Solons having offensive magic and Mesmers having alternative magic), Exactly how will this work in conjunction with the item-based magic system, if at all? And boxers or Briefs

GL-Jeff The items determine WHAT you are casting, but its your innate skill as a caster (your stats) that determine which spells you cast well and which spells you cast poorly.
GL-Jeff briefs, a man needs support

Glamdring *Kurn_Whispervoice* HOC 1, inventions fail or succeed with each attempt. Can we make unlimited attempts?

GL-Jeff You have unlimited attempts but remember invention may require certain materials such as paper and will definitely have some sort of delay mechanism built in.

Glamdring <Artimus_Zentari> Question:I see the new screen shot with the axe handling maniac jumping to attack his opponent, is this a choice of attack? and if so what other "special" attacks can we do?

GL-Jeff There will be special attacks just like there will be different spells.
GL-Jeff I can't promise how many will be implemented in the Beta, however, we're probably going to have to hold off until official release before we see some strong variety in attacks.

Glamdring *FeistyGirl* I remember reading something about the possibility of being born to NPC's if you don't (or are unable to) choose PC parents. Will these NPC's generally be as loyal and parental as a typical PC would be towards their child?

GL-Jeff This is actually an announcement we were going to make sometime soon. We will be giving players the option to role-play being abandoned by their parents, in which case the parents would be NPCs that either just leave you or toss you down a stream in a basket.
GL-Jeff If populating by PC procreation causes too much of a strain then we will give some people NPC parents, the behavoir of which will be somewhat random and could vary from good to extremely evil.

Glamdring <Majesty_Michael> How will we command our followers? Speach or other means

GL-Jeff You will have the ability to control your followers via both speach, psionics, and the universal messaging system thats been implemented.

Glamdring *Damari* My first question has to do with the actual skills that are going to be used in the game. When can we expect those to be announced? Also, you said no caps would be included. How will the macroing of simple skills be monitored and stopped? Without proper care to that topic… I would think it possible to be able to macro a simple skill to an astronomically high ranking.

GL-Jeff The skill list won't be given out until Beta Release. Macroing will be discouraged because skills will only go up when used in ways that require more than just 1 buttom press, or even a fixed sequence of button presses.

Glamdring *LordSoth* Will characters take damage from things such a fire ect... such as if a blacksmith is making something and puts his hand in the fire to get the items will they take damage and get burned or like Everquest can you just stand in a huge fire and not take any damage from it?

GL-Jeff Tempurature will play a very large part in Dawn. The best blacksmiths will need to use forges of extreme tempuratures thus will need to have excellent heat resistance, naturally or via armors and spells.

Glamdring *Hobart77* Can we attach paper to arrows to send short range messages as an alternative to psionics and courier wisps if say, we want to warn a person we don't know away?

GL-Jeff Yes we will be implementing a means by which to attach things to projectiles.

Glamdring <tisme> What age group are you targetting Dawn for? Do you think teenagers will like playing this game, or will it be more for other age groups? Will the rating on Dawn have any age restrictions?

GL-Jeff Well Dawn will have Quake-like amounts of gore and Sims-like amounts of sexual provocation so Dawn won't bear a rating any higher than either of those titles. It will be recommended for "mature" audiences...
GL-Jeff We aren't really targeting any specific demographic with the title, but we predict the players will be, not necessarily older, but more mature due to the nature of the game...ie less hacknslash your way to 60 and more strategy/role-play

Glamdring *arpwatch* : Will there be weather patterns in Dawn, so if we see rainclouds going to the south we could wisp message someone to the south and they see it coming shortly later?

GL-Jeff We're especially proud of our engine's ability to create extremely realistic clouds and thus weather effects. If you haven't already I strongly recommend you download the large AVI engine capture that shows our cloud movement.
GL-Jeff You'll notice that there isn't 1,2 or even 3 sky planes, the sky doesnt use planar technology which allows us to move our clouds in a much more realistic and dramatic manner.
GL-Jeff So yes to your question :)

Glamdring *Wire* will intermixing races be possible?

GL-Jeff We'll be allowing certain pre-defined races to reproduce with each other, but at this time thier offspring won't be a combination, but rather one of the parent's races in entirety.
GL-Jeff lol
GL-Jeff she didn't have to go

Glamdring *LordSoth* How will deaths of PC's be handled? If my friend dies, can I take his body and give him a proper burial and bury him in a coffin to rest in or will PC bodies decompose or something after they die?

GL-Jeff It takes a good while for corpses to decompose, and you can treat the corpse just as if it was still alive which includes dragging and positioning in things such as a coffin if you desired.

Glamdring *Acidshock* There is no real conning system so we really can't know how powerful someone is compared to ourselves, but what about psionics? If we are skilled in psionics, will we be able to know more about someone else, like their level and stats?

GL-Jeff psionics in Dawn will be used only for communicational purposes at this time. We dont have any plans on a skill based conning system .. yet atleast.

Glamdring <DarkTainted> Question: If i were to train in to different types of magic's will there be affects to either one any way shape or form are would it just be the same as learning a new skill?

GL-Jeff Certain skills and certain magic disciplines will conflict with each other to varying degrees. Which means training in one can harm your ability in another.
GL-Jeff So to answer your question, it depends on the disciplines of magic, necromancy and sanation probably aren't going to work too well together.

Glamdring *CatGuy* Will the time that people remain unconsious after being knocked out depend on a particular variable/stat, or will the time be the same for everyone?

GL-Jeff It will most likely be a set amount of time, that can vary to certain degrees so you dont know exactly when a person will come-to but it won't depend on stats.

Glamdring *Calric* If my leader/king is being held for ransom in a prison or jail can I dig underground and come up from underground to where he is and escape with him?

GL-Jeff At this time there is no horizontal digging. Its possibly still to dig under a thing structure like a wall because digging in one place lowers the elevation of land within a certain radius of the digger, but you would most likely not be able to dig all the way under a castle.

Glamdring *McGavin* what sort of questing system will there be in Dawn? From 1 to 10 rating how would you rate it Dawn, 1 being none, 10 be akin a skilled DM in table top game.

GL-Jeff 5
GL-Jeff Half the quests will be randomly generated by NPCs, the other half will be player made like in table top games.
GL-Jeff The inclusion of Perm death really makes player made quests a viable option unlike in other games where there was little to risk, and heroes did not exist.

Glamdring *Yourmom* how will characters learn languages? Will there be a language skill, or individual skills for each foreign language, based on exposure?

GL-Jeff There will be an individual language skill for each language based on exposure.
GL-Jeff But the exposure takes time into account, not just the number of messages you have received, so spamming wont make you learn any faster.

Glamdring *ShadowDragon* will you be inserting a statement in the ELUA (End User Liscense Agreement) warning aginst bringing any real life faiths into/worshiping in Dawn, as it would cause merrey heck when the various faith leaders came down on you because the other ones were in Dawn before them?

GL-Jeff our ELUA will basically state that we are not responsible for the actions of our players, much like AOL doesnt take responsibility for the actions that their subscribers take when they are online.
GL-Jeff So I'm not personally concerned with religious leaders whining about our video game, all it does is bring attention and popularity to the title, much like metallica helped the popularity of Napster.

Glamdring The chat will be continuing for about another 10 minutes folks
Glamdring <shmorg> Spell Graphics and animations....what sort of things do you have in mind when casting spells? Flashy, eye-catching graphics, or something more sublte, like a wave of a hand, and a low murmured word from a wizard?

GL-Jeff We're going to try to have a combination of the two. Some spells like those that affect the mind directly shouldnt have much if any animation, whereas a fireball blast should look rather spectacular.

Glamdring *Gwack* lets say im on the verge of consciousness in a battle. can i choose to somehow expend the last of my energy in a last ditch swing to try to take my oponet down that would probably leave me completely vulnerable?

GL-Jeff We're still debating that...there are basically two things we can do, we can make it to where the more work you put into a blade, the better it becomes no matter what, or we can have the work you put into a blade change its weight/damage ratio instead, or a combination of the two. We'll most likely go with the latter.

Glamdring *McGavin* Although dawn's not going to be hack and slash, has political warfare been considered? and how large scale could it get if it has?

GL-Jeff Again thats something thats up to the players completely. There isn't a built in political system, so things can be as big or as small as you make them.

Glamdring *oOZyoNe* Will multitasking be possible when dawn is running? like switch to winamp to change a song, or icq or irc in the background?

GL-Jeff Thats still an area of much debate, we'll be testing it out during beta to see whether or not multitasking detracts too much from gameplay.

GL-Matt you may not want to have winamp running :)

Glamdring *ulrath* Will the offspring of tamed and follower NPCs also become tamed and follower NPCs, or will we also need to work out taming the new offsprings?

GL-Jeff lol yeah give matt some credit here, he's sound effects will be more than enough to fill your ears, but just in case they weren't you'll be listening to the Dawn soundtrack during gameplay if you choose to have that enabled.
GL-Jeff You're followers wont mate unless you tell them to in which case their offspring will be your followers as well.

Glamdring <KataPelte> I'm concerned about level differences among players. In real life three teenage girls could probably stone my massive bulk to death if they really put their minds to it. In many other games it takes 100+ teenage girls. Where does Dawn fit?

GL-Jeff Remember, your massive bulk will be wearing some rock resistant armor....so it may take more than 3 even in real life to take him down.
GL-Jeff But I do like how you managed to get the phrase "teenage girls" in your question multiple times, and to answer it fully levels are designed to be additvely symmetric, meaning it should take 2 level 5's to match a level 10 and so on.

GL-Matt lol

Glamdring <Thoth> MY question GL-Matt =)with no zones how will the sounds work in dawn< will u localize certain sounds ? or will there be a running sound track that runs while we play?

GL-Matt sounds will be localized- the ones that are local to your character will follow you around everywhere you go

GL-Jeff yeah sounds are bound to objects, not zones. so a waterfall would emit its own noise, as opposed to a zone with a waterfall always playing a waterfall noise
GL-Jeff Well guys and girls, that wraps up the largest HoC ever in the history of gaming :)
GL-Jeff We did our best to answer as many questions as we could in the time alotted and apologize if we were unable to answer yours specifically.

Glamdring I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight
Glamdring and a special thanks to the Glitchless folks for taking time to spend it with us

GL-Jeff I'd like to thank the Dawn Devs that showed up, Razm, Matt, Seven0six and of course the stratics staff for helping us manage your thousands of questions.

GL-RazM Thanks everyone, another great HoC

GL-Jeff Remember the place to chat is #dawn and #glitchless we hope to see you there cause we do stop by from time to time.

GL-SevenOsix Thanks again for coming

GL-Matt thanks all- especially you all at Stratics

GL-Jeff Farewell, we'll see you all in the land of Dawn!
GL-Jeff as corny as that sounds :)