Stresa-Lake Maggiore
Click on thumbnail to see larger picture. After two wonderful days in Zermatt we took a shortcut through Northern Italy on our way to Austria. We stopped at Stresa on the shores of Lake Maggiore, the second largest lake in Italy. The lake is 64 km (40 mi) long and between 0.8 km and 8.9 km (0.5 mi and 5.5 mi) wide. It is 194 m (636 ft) above sea level, and has an area of 212 sq km (82 sq mi). The Ticino River flows south through the lake.
Click on thumbnail to see larger picture. This sandstone statue was a fine feature of the lake shoreline.
Click on thumbnail to see larger picture. We passed by this interesting archway at Valchieri.
Click on thumbnail to see larger picture. The bus stopped at the top of the hill so we could stretch our legs and get an opportunity to see the twisting road we had just ascended.
Click on thumbnail to see larger picture. Here is that view of that pass we just travelled.
Next Stop, St Moritz

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