Welcome to my European Trip!
CLICK HERE! Welcome to my Photo album on the net!

This is the navigator map, it will take you to the Arrival Page. Just Click on the map on the left and you're there! Alternately click on the links below to take you straight to the places we visited during our Grand European Tour! It's taken ages to scan the pictures I now show to you. Most pictures have been optimised to fit in a browser window. I hope you appreciate my effort and send me email! [email protected] Warning: Some files are large and may take some time to download! Enjoy!


Arrival Page!  (start here at the start!)

Map Page (if you want to jump about)

Guest Book (tell me what you think!)

About me (really want to know?)


Go to about me for an IrCQ Chat!

Next Stop, Frankfurt

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This Page first created on 22/12/1998