Granite formation          



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 Visit to Granite Formation


When we stopped to have our lunch, we spotted several huge boulders that stood out in a distance and that was where we were headed. When we arrived, we stood there and gaped in awe.The huge boulders seemed much larger than we saw back then. It is actually granite rocks. We took the steps which were carved out of it and it led us to the top where we got much closer to the magnificient boulders. At the top, we had a bird’s eye view of the surrounding villages. The boulders measured to a height of about 40 feet high. And we observed that there were cracks in the rocks which are signs of exfoliation. All of us were curious how these huge boulders were formed in the middle of ‘nowhere’. The guide told us that millions of years ago , the surrounding could have been eroded and left the granite boulders standing. But he also said that nobody knows for sure . Emmmm….. mysterious.

The visit to the Granite Formation certainly serves as an informative and educational purpose and it also made the understanding of the granite rocks much easier. Although we travelled for an agonizing 3 hours, the trip was without a doubt worthwhile.





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