General Tour Information

Booking Arrangements & Conditions

  1. Deposit
  2. Balance

    You must pay the balance of the tour cost no later than 30 days prior to departure.

  3. Cancellations
  4. Travel Insurance

    You are STRONGLY advised to effect travel insurance to cover tour cancellation, baggage loss, illness etc. If you would like us to assist in this regard we can send you the relevant application forms.

  5. Unused Services

    You acknowledge that once the tour has commenced you are not entitled to any refund if you elect not to complete the tour.

  6. Changes to itinerary

    You acknowledge that Heron Airlines Travel Pty Ltd has the right to alter any itinerary, when necessary, due to operational requirements. If a change in itinerary occurs, Heron Airlines Travel Pty Ltd will endeavour to substitute an equivalent program.

Tour Conditions

  1. All tours are operated by Heron Airlines Travel Pty Ltd A.C.N. 052 408 170, 2TA003499, hereafter referred to as "the company".
  2. You acknowledge that the company may subcontract other persons and companies to provide motel and/or accommodation, meals, ground tours, transfers by air, water or ground as the case may be. These persons/companies are referred to in these conditions as "the principal".
  3. These conditions shall apply to all bookings received by the company at any time.
  4. You acknowledge that the company shall not be liable for any illness or personal injury to you or for property damages arising out of any portion of any tour.
  5. You acknowledge that the company acts as agent for all principals and the company shall not be liable for any loss, delay or damage suffered by you or to your property, in consequence of any act, omission, default or negligence by a principal or by any subcontractor of a principal.
  6. Neither the company nor any servant or agent of the company shall be liable for any loss, delay, injury, death or damage suffered by you or your property, in consequence of any act, omission, default or negligence of the company, its servants or agents.
  7. You agree to indemnify the company, its servants and agents against any claim, demand, judgement or damage made or awarded for all actions arising from items 5 and 6 of these conditions.
  8. You acknowledge all prices quoted by the company are subject to alteration without prior notice.
  9. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure that you possess proper and valid travel documents.
  10. You acknowledge that should you not adhere to the conditions in respect of payment of a deposit or balance of tour costs the company may resell the seat(s) reserved by your booking.
  11. The company reserves the right to amend any portion of a tour at its absolute discretion.

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