News Report Archive
9th March 2000


Two teenagers have been charged with the rape of a 13 year-old Wigan schoolgirl.
Stuart Andrew Holden and Ryan Thomas McCormick appeared before the town's magistrates on Wednesday morning accused of the assault in Porter's Wood, Gathurst on Sunday afternoon.
The girl was with her 10 year-old brother and 13-year-old friend when she was attacked in Porter's Wood between the Navigation pub and the Heinz factory at Kitt Green. The trio had been walking a dog in the woods at 3.50pm when they were aproached by two men. A police spokesman said one of the men held her to the ground as the other man raped her in front of the other two children. The men then ran off towards the Heinz factory. The traumatised children ran home to their parents who called the police.
Holden, of Bell Lane Kitt Green and McCormick of Thorburn Road Norley Hall were arrested on Monday afternoon and charged on Tuesday evening after a day of questioning. Apart from giving their names both men were silent during the brief hearing but sobbed openly when they were refused bail.


A Wigan couple have admitted to 16 charges of cruelty to their pets- many of which died a 'slow and miserable death of starvation'.
Lillian Carol and Denis Houghton of Engineer Street, Ince each pleaded guilty to eight charges of causing unnecessary suffering to the animals when they appeared before Wigan Magistrates' Court. They are now facing a prison sentence for their actions.
The court heard how an RSPCA officer was shown the carcasses of dead animals which were dumped in the back garden of their home. After examination by a local veterinary surgeon it is believed the animals would have died a 'slow and miserable death from starvation'. It is thought they may have been left to starve for as long as two months.
Mr Tony Stock, for the RSPCA, said "The two dogs and six rabbits all endured cruelty and unnecessary suffering as a result of lack of care, nutrition and bad husbandry. When the RSPCA inspector visited the home, she was shown to the rear of the property where she found six rabbits and two dogs, some alive and some dead. Even those animals still alive showed signs of poor husbandry. Mounds of mouldy food and mouldy faeces were found in the garden. Fresh food had been placed on top of rotting food. It was clear that three dogs had been living in a small area and bicycles were placed in front of the rabbit hutches in the garden making access very difficult.
"The animals who were living and the dead carcasses were examined by a veterinary surgeon who reached the conclusion that there was strong evidence of starvation, and it may have taken as long as two months for them to die."
Magistrates adjourned the case until March 30th for preparation of pre-sentencing reports, but warned, "We consider this case to be a very serious matter. Pre-sentence reports will consider all options, including custody."


The bigamist who spun a web of lies to his wives has been jailed for three years.See previous report.
Christopher Webster was described by one of his wives as a Billy Liar character who claimed he was related to Lily Savage and Celine Dion.
Mr Arthur Noble, defending said, "He is contrite and ashamed of what has taken place. He has asked me to aplogise to both women for the stress that has been caused. This is an unusual case and a case where I invite you to take into account he is fundamentally good character, not a man who deals in things with panache and bravado."


Councillor Mark Hale is the man at the centre of the lap-top porn scandal at Wigan Town Hall. (See last week's news report).
And he told this week how viewing the site on the internet on his personal computer, supplied by the Town Hall was "for research".
Coun Hale, the member for Hope Carr ward at Leigh confirmed that he was the councillor called before a Metro standards sub-comittee to hear that internet access on his council supplied computer had been 'restricted' for a year. He has also agreed to repay �12 phone line costs for viewing 'unauthorised material'.
The business consultant insists that he viewed adult-"not porn"-material. And he claims he was carrying out his own investigation into whether the laptops supplied by the town hall were open to abuse.
Now Coun Hale has written to Labour Group whip Coun Fred Walker demanding an investigation into how the matter was leaked.
Coun Hale said in his letter, "In November I was informed by a member of staff at the Metro's IT department that the internet could be accessed on all council computers without the password. During the various training sessions,I was led to believe that my computer could not be accessed without the use of the password and that adult material was filtered, so because I have two children at home, this news concerned me.
"As a result I tested the system to see exactly what could be accessed on my computer and I discovered that adult material could be viewed. During my conversations with chief executive Steve Jones and director of finance and IT Dave Smith I openly explained the reasons for my actions and expressed my concerns. As far as I am concerned the meeting with the sub-comittee was the end of the matter with a punishment that fitted the actions taken being decided and accepted. I cannot make an apology for the reasons for my actions because I know that they were for the right reasons and my intentions were at all times honourable."


Wigan grandad Stanley Holland reckons he has found the secret to a long and happy life.....a pie a day!
He is celebrating his 50th year working for T A Ledsons Limited , and Stanley cycles to work on his pushbike every day, even though he is 76.
He said, "I love my job. I'll keep going for as long as they'll employ me. I'd like to work here until I drop."
Stanley began working as a representative for Mr Ledson in 1950, when he owned a small shop in Wigan. Since then the company has moved and expanded, and loyal Stanley has stayed with them since the start. But, in recent years he has cut down his hours and switched to working as a shop assistant for the firm. Despite working with motor vehicles, Stanley prefers to use his bike, cycling a few miles daily to and from work. He said, "It keeps me fit and it's quicker and easier to travel by bike, I can use the backstreet shortcuts. I just nip on it and away I go."

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