July 26, 1943
Had an alert this forenoon. We moved out & had a full field inspection. Go out tonight for a two day problem.
July 27, 1943
Pulled a problem in the attack. Things went off about as well as could be expected. The men got rather tired though.
July 28, 1943
A man in my platoon was bitten by a snake last night. He's coming along O.K. Pulled a problem in the defense this forenoon.
July 29, 1943
Went to the regimental recreation hall this afternoon & learned how to knit camouflage nets for (steel) helmets.
July 30, 1943
Supervised the knitting of camouflage nets for (steel) helmets today. Never thought I'd knit in the Army.
July 31, 1943
Went to Fort Worth today & took Theda Roberts to see her folks in Gordonville. We got there at about midnight.
**August 1, 1943**
Spent the day with Theda Roberts & her family. Had a swell time. Was stopped by a cop in Gainesville for speeding. Oh! Oh!
August 2, 1943
The entire division moved out this afternoon for a ten-day maneuver. The 333rd Inf. dug in in a bivouac area tonight.
August 3, 1943
We filled in our slit trenches & moved several miles to another rear assembly area. We are in division reserve.
August 4, 1943
Not much has happened so far as we are concerned. We are still in division reserve & stay dug in the rear.
August 5, 1943
Formed an outpost line of resistance & withdrew through the main line of resistance. A tough hike.
August 6, 1943
Got a big box of cookies from Mother & Gin. Boy they really hit the spot as we were all very hungry.
August 7, 1943
The situation became non-tactical at about noon today & is to remain thus until 9:30 tomorrow night.
**August 8, 1943**
Attended my first church in the field. It was quite impressive & I enjoyed it a lot.
August 9, 1943
We made a night attack tonight. My platoon was the only one that got up into its position on time.
August 10, 1943
Continued the attack & finished the problem & came in at about six o'clock this evening & we're all plenty tired.
August 11, 1943
Didn't do much today. The men cleaned up the equipment & we had an inspection. I am duty officer tonight.
August 12, 1943
Thelma Walters called from Fort Worth last night. I went to Gordonville tonight to see her. Spent about two or three hours there.
August 13, 1943
Went to Gordonville again tonight. Left my car with Thelma & Theda for them to use while I'm out in the field.
August 14, 1943
Was transferred yesterday to batallion headquarters company & I have the A. & P. platoon. We marched out to the field today.
**August 15, 1943**
The 333rd was the red army today & we had a meeting engagement. We were almost captured one time.
August 16, 1943
Hosilities ceased today & things are rather quiet. It seems more like Sunday than yesterday did.
August 17, 1943
Things started popping again today. This time the 334th is the red army. The 3rd batallion, 333rd is in reserve.
August 18, 1943
We moved forward toda & the batallion was comitted [sic] & hostilities ceased again this afternoon for 36 hours.
August 19, 1943
Today was another quiet day with a non-tactical period. Tonight the chaplain held a get-together & a general good time.
August 20, 1943
Things started off again this afternoon. The 335th is the red army now. We actually captured Nubbin Ridge.
August 21, 1943
Came in this afternoon. I got my car tonight. Called Theda & talked with her for a while. Hpe I can get to see her tomorrow.
**August 22, 1943**
Went to Ft. Worth this afternoon. Went boat-riding with Theda. Had a swell time. We went to church this evening.
August 23, 1943
Saw a demonstration today of an attack on a fortified position. Studied explosives all afternoon.
August 24, 1943
Saw an excellent demonstration today of planes bombing & strafing targets. Moved out for another problem.
August 25, 1943
Didn't do much all day today. We were in Division Reserve most of the day. We changed to Reds tonight.
August 26, 1943
We hiked thirteen miles back into camp this afternoon. Boy am I tired. Hope the folks get here tomorrow.
August 27, 1943
Dad called this morning. The folks & Macky got into Gainesville last night. I got the weekend off from this noon.
August 28, 1943
Got some gas for the folks to drive my car home. We also got a new tire & permit to get a new tube.
**August 29, 1943**
Went to church in the Methodist church today. We planned to go to vesper services in the chapel but there weren't any.
August 30, 1943
Had to go back to work today. Went out on a problem. I was late getting to camp & had to catch a ride with the engineers.
August 31, 1943
The folks left this morning. Gee, I hated to see them go, but I can't keep them forever. Didn't do much all day.
September 1, 1943
We aren't doing much now except just puttering around, & getting ready to leave for maneuvers.
September 2, 1943
Took the platoon out today for instruction in the laying & cleaning of anti-tank mine fields.
September 3, 1943
Had to go out & run a combat in cities course this afternoon. It rained & boy did we get wet.
September 4, 1943
Went to town this afternoon & bought a watch & a few things to send to Betty. Saw "Henry Aldrich Swings It" tonight.
**September 5, 1943**
Went to the services in the chapel today. I enjoyed them a lot. Wrote several letters this afternoon.
September 6, 1943
Took the platoon out again today for instruction in anti-tank mines & Booby traps. Saw some films on Booby traps.
September 7, 1943
Didn't do much today. Started organizing an intelligence group for the company. Checked on equipment. Going to umpire on maneuvers.
September 8, 1943
Getting things ready for maneuvers. Cleaning up around the area etc. I'm to leave Friday morning.
September 9, 1943
Packed my things this evening to leave in the morning. Boy was it a job. Didn't know I had so much.
September 10, 1943
Started out this morning around seven o'clock. I rode in a jeep. We came about 200 miles & stopped in (Jacksonville).
September 11, 1943
Arrived at our destination tonight. We are about 3 miles north of Camp Polk. Went to the camp tonight & it is a really swell place.
**September 12, 1943**
Went to morning church services in a chapel at Camp Polk. Went to evening services in a church near our bivouac area.
September 13, 1943
Started our umpire school today. I believe I'm going to learn quite a lot from it. It's quite interesting.
September 14, 1943
Had a bunch of pigs in the kitchen (sumps) this morning. A rather dirty job getting them out.
September 15, 1943
Continuing with our umpire school. I'm really getting quite a lot out of it too. Not very hard though.
September 16, 1943
Took the test over the umpire schooling. Think I passed O.K. got a lot of mail this evening.
September 17, 1943
We studied some of the historical features of the maneuver area. We moved to the (rear/new??) area this P.M.
September 18, 1943
Been raining a lot lately. For the past two nights my tent has come down. I sat down in a puddle of water putting it up.
**September 19, 1943**
Today was Sunday, but you wouldn't know it. We worked all day. It's terrible how little regard the Army has for Sunday.
September 20, 1943
Maneuvers started today. I'm acting as liason officer between the 393rd Inf. & the umpires who are acting as the enemy.
September 21, 1943
Continued the problem today. The 393rd appears to be a pretty good outfit. Got a 24 hour break at 6:00 P.M.
September 22, 1943
Didn't have to work today so I cleaned up, did some washing & wrote some letters. Hope some mail gets through soon.
September 23, 1943
Started the second problem in this phase of maneuvers. IT is just a continuation of the last one.
September 24, 1943
The control headquarters moved to the vicinity of Hutton today & we got another 24-hour break at 6:00 P.M.
September 25, 1943
Another day off so I spent it washing clothes & writing letters. Tok a bath in a creek & boy nearly froze to death.
**September 26, 1943**
Another Sunday that didn't seem much like it. We started the third problem & worked all day.
September 27, 1943
This problem we are on now is defense & withdrawl. They seem to be doing very well. Another break at 1:00 P.M.
September 28, 1943
Had the forenoon off so I wrote a few letters. Got several in the mail last night. Made a night withdrawl.
September 29, 1943
Didn't do much all day. Had to stay here at the regimental C.P. [Command Post] all day, though. Wrote a few letters this afternoon. Looks like some more rain again.
September 30, 1943
Stayed at Regimental C P this forenoon. Completed the 1st phase of maneuvers & joined the units we are to umpire.
October 1, 1943
The 99th div. moved today. We are now located near Flora, La. I guess things start popping again Monday.
October 2, 1943
Had an umpire conference at Camp Polk today so we got to go in & really get cleaned up for a change.
**October 3, 1943**
Went to church this A.M. in Flora, La. Had lunch with the minister & his wife. Boy I really enjoyed myself.
October 4, 1943
Started the real maneuvers today. We walked about twenty miles. Didn't get any supper till about 1:30 in the morning.
October 5, 1943
The regiment is in corps reserve so all we did today was hike about another twenty miles. Supper again at about 2:00 A.M.
October 6, 1943
Still in reserve, but the batallion made a night attack last night. Hike another twenty miles again today.
October 7, 1943
No supper last night & no breakfast either yesterday or today. Boy were we hungry. Got the chow at about 3:00 P.M.
October 8, 1943
The problem was called off yesterday as today is a break. I guess we have a break until Sunday night.
October 9, 1943
The division moved toda to the visinity of Flatwoods. Boy was it dusty. Several of the officers & men are going to P.O.E. [???]
**October 10, 1943**
Went to Leesville for an umpire conference this A.M., & got orders that I have been alerted for overseas duty. Boy was that a surprise.
October 11, 1943
Left Lake Charles for Fort Ord, Calirofnia after doing an awdul lot of running around to collect equipment & get checked out.
October 12, 1943
Traveled through Texas all day today. It was mostly desert. Ran into a few mountains near El Paso.
October 13, 1943
Traveled through Arizona & California today. Got into Los Angeles at about 8:00 PM & have a twelve hour lay over.
October 14, 1943
[This is the section that got misprinted. George has written in the date for each day so that this section goes chronologically for this year, although it does not at all match what is printed.] Took the daylight limited from Los Angeles to (Labines) today. Boy was it a pleasant trip. Streamlined & all.
October 15, 1943
Spent last night with Clifton Walters in Watsonville. Bought a radio-phonograph for Betty's Christmas present. Reported to the Replacement Depot.
October 16, 1943
Talked with Betty for 10 or 15 minutes tonight. Boy was that ever swell. I hope she'll be waiting for me when I come back.
**October 17, 1943**
Went to church in the chapel this morning. The chaplain really had an inspiring message on Hitch-hiking to heaven.
October 18, 1943
Got my foot locker & bed roll today so now I can have a change of clothes. Hope my mail starts coming through pretty soon.
October 19, 1943
Bought some clothes today. Got out of camp tonight & went to Watsonville for a few hours to see Clifton.
October 20, 1943
Started our classes this afternoon with a two hour class in censorship. Went to a U.S.O. show tonight. It wasn't so bad.
October 21, 1943
Not much doing today. These classes are pretty much of a joke. About all we do is put in our time.
October 22, 1943
About all I've been doing lately is writing letters. I hope a few start coming my way pretty soon.
October 23, 1943
Got a letter from Betty today. The first letter I have gotten for quite a while.
**October 24, 1943**
Went to Watsonville today & went to church & spent the day with Clifton & Jerry Walters. They're surely swell.
October 25, 1943
Finished drawing my equipment today. I have almost new equipment now. Got to get a few clothes yet.
October 26, 1943
Called home this evening. It was Mom's birthday. I got to talk with everybody & boy did it seem good.
October 27, 1943
My mail is beginning to come in again now. Gotten quite a few letters lately. Went on a compass course tonight.
October 28, 1943
Been buying a lot of clothes to take overseas with me. Gee, it seems that I need almost everything.
October 29, 1943
Called Betty last night. Gee, it was swell to talk to her again. Bought a few records for her.
October 30, 1943
Went to Watsonville this evening & plan to spend the weekend with Clifton & Jerry Walters.
**October 31, 1943**
Went to church this morning & spent all the afternoon & evening playing checkers & chinese checkers.
November 1, 1943
This is the poorest excuse for training that I have seen for a long time. We don't accomplish anything.
November 2, 1943
Had a short night problem tonight. About all we did was take a walk down to the beach & sit around for a while.
November 3, 1943
Mail has really been coming my way lately. I have hardly missed a day lately without getting a letter.
November 4, 1943
Well some of us were alerted today. I am a super-numerary on one list. I don't suppose I'll leave this time.
November 5, 1943
We don't have any classes now that we are alerted so we just set around doing almost nothing.
November 6, 1943
Pakced my footlocker & bedroll today to go overseas. Mail is beginning to come through from Louisiana.
**November 7, 1943**
Went to church in a chapel here on the post today. Spent a little time this afternoon at the show.
November 8, 1943
Got cleared from the post this afternoon. Am supposed to leave tomorrow, bt don't expect to as I'm a supernumerary.
November 9, 1943
The officers left this P.M. for a port of embarkation, but I, being a supernumerary, didn't go. I'll probably go next time.
November 10, 1943
Didn't do much at all today. Went to Watsonville tonight & spent the evening with Ivan & Melba Conner.
November 11, 1943
Threw some live hand grenades today. Spent a very pleasant evening with Jerry & Clifton Walters.
November 12, 1943
Got a very welcome letter from Betty today. Had a night problem in scouting & patroling [sic].
November 13, 1943
Didn't do much today. Went to Watsonville to spend the weekend with Jerry & Clifton Walters. They're a really swell couple.
**November 14, 1943**
Went to church in Watsonville this morning & heard an excellent sermon on the subject "Death Couldn't Hold Him".
November 15, 1943
Was alerted again for overseas shipment. This time I think I'll go. Moved into the "hot" barracks on the hill.
November 16, 1943
Saw a goof show tonight "Thousands Cheered". got a letter from Betty. Didn't do much all day. Wonder when we'll leave.
November 17, 1943
Wel, got cleared today. We leave for Camp (Stevenson) tomorrow. Don't know how long we'll stay there before shoving off.
[Thus ends the diary. George was shipped off to the Pacific Theater. The diary was sent back to his father, Leo. It came into the possession of his grandaughter, Margaret, after Leo died in 1985. It then came into my possession a few years later, and was transcribed in three sittings in November, 1990. Paul Burrow==November 26, 1990.]
[entered on-line by David Burrow, July 14-15, 1999]
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