Derby Jiu Jitsu Club is affiliated to the Aiuchi Jiu Jitsu Association


WWW Changes Log

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Member of Martial-Arts HyperBanner


This Kanji depicts the text
Gi Fabric


Web Changes (Ongoing Log)

9th August 1998 : New Index Page Uploaded. Links Section revised.

11th June 1998 : New index page uploaded. Alterations to the News items. Site signed up for the Martial Arts Hyperbanner.

13th April 1998 : Membership List posted. Search and Feedback functions withdrawn owing to impaired performance on the BT UNIX Server.

13th April 1998 : New Web Site Posted at


25th January 1999: Site moved to care taker site hosted by [email protected] at

Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998 Derby Aiuchi Jiu Jitsu Club Page originally created by J.Deeming
Last modified: August 09, 1998