The Author


           What can I say?!?  It's pretty evident that I'm from the Philippines and I love volleyball! So when I saw thousands of my  countrymen enjoying themselves and loving the game too, I decided, why not make a web page about the Manila leg? In that case, people who watched the games would have a way to reminisce the leg. And for those people who missed it, they would have  a knowledge of  how the Filipino people accepted and responded to the world-class volleyball that the four teams showcased. Hence, this web page.

          If you I think I did an awful job, sorry. This is my first web page and before this project, I knew nothing about web pages (and photography) but now, I know a little :) thanks to my friends who helped me (G25, M, Paul, Joah, salamat!). And to Stef, thank you for the pictures!

          Speaking of pictures, M took lots of Barros pictures. So if you're a Barros fan, I'd suggest you try to visit this page again because I'd be changing the pictures from time to time. Still about pictures, if you have other Manila Leg pictures and you want your pictures here, just send it to me.

          And by the way, to those people who visited this site before (when it still wasn't working), sorry. I rather published it prematurely...

          And if you want to reach me, you can always  email me.