Page 1 -- Photos from magazines and periodicals
Note: You might have seen these pictures already but I just wanted to differentiate the photos I and my
     friend, M, took from the ones which I gathered somewhere else.


Barros, smiles at the camera 
after receiving the best attacker award
(Atlas Sports Magazine, Sep. 17, 1999)

Francesca Piccinini with Vintage
Television anchorman Anthony Suntay
(Mirror Magazine, Sep. 6, 1999)


Maurizia Cacciatori
(Photo by Ernie Sarmiento for 
The Philippine Daily Inquirer
Aug. 29, 1999)

Ruiz hits one over the Chinese
defenders (File photo)

Leila Barros
(Scoreboard, Sep. 6-12, 1999)


The Brazilians put up a brickwall of a 
defense against the Cubans
(Photo by Ben Avestruz for Today, Aug. 23, 1999)

Leila Barros goes up against two Korean defenders
(Photo by Ernie Sarmiento for 
The Philippine Daily Inquirer, Aug. 23, 1999)

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