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Drugs, When Will Wrestlers Stop Taking Them?

In The WWF, The Rock Was Thating Steriods With Women Hormons In Them, He Started To Grow Bre@sts And Had To Have Surgery. The Roaddog And Scorpio Were Fired For Drug Abuse, In An Interview In Power Slam Magazine A Few Months Ago, There Was An Interview With The Dynamite Kid Who Said McMahon Gave Him Drugs And Money For Drugs.

In WCW, You Have Goldberg, Scott Stiener (Who Has Had Many Side Affects Such As Dizzy Spells), Rage, Buff Bagwell, Disco Inferno, etc.

In ECW, You Have Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Taz, Shane Douglas And Rob Van Dam.

Many Wrestlers, Such As Andre The Giant, Brian Phillman, Loui Spicolli And The Texas Tornado, Have Died. The WWF, WCW And ECW Have Given Reasons For Wrestlers' Deaths, But How Can You Tell If It's True? Were You There? I Sure Wasn't. How Can We Be Sure What's Happened To These Wrestlers? I'm Guessing Drug Abuse.

C-ya Next Month,
******* ***** (My Name). [email protected]

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