Why, God, Why?
He Was Too Young To Be Taken From Us, He Was Only 34
"Rest Young Man, The Lord Holds Thee Now"

May 7th 1965 - May 23rd 1999

Last Sunday (23rd May 99), At WWF Over The Edge, One Of The The World's Greatest, Possibly THE World's Greatest, Athletes Was Tragically Taken From From Us. I Couldn't Believe That He Had Died. Owen Hart, As The Blue Blazer, Was To Come To The Ring, Like Sting Does And Like Used To, On A Harness From The Rafters. Unfortunately, Something Went Wrong And Owen Fell From The Ceiling Of The Arena Down To The Concrete Floor. None Of This Was Shown And I'm Glad It Wasn't. No-One In The Right Mind Would Want To See A Human Falling To His/Her Death, If Anyone Did Want To See It, I'd Think They Were Twisted. No-One Would Ever WANT To See That.

This Really Did Upset Me. I Couldn't Concentrate At School, I Couldn't Sleep (It Was 1 AM When It Started And 4 AM When In Finished In England Because Of The Time Difference), I Couldn't Eat. When It Was Announced That Owen Had Passed Away I Was In Tears, I Really Was.

My Condolences Go To Owen's Family And Friends, Espicially Bret. He Was The Younger Brother Of Bret Hart And The Youngest Of The Hart Children. Bret Hart And His Brother, Owen Were Very Close. The Harts Are Very Upset And One Of The Biggest Reasons Is Because They Never Got To Say Good-Bye.

A Few Pictures That Show Owen And Bret Were Very Close:

Bret And Owen Being Interviewed

Bret Hart Saying How Much He Cares For His Brother

They're Not Injured, They Were In "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids" (Acting In A Movie)

Bret, Owen, Bulldog, Phillman
 Being Interviewed

You Can't Really See Owen, Mostly His Hand On Bulldog's Back

Bret Reuniting Himself, Owen And The Bulldog And Saying How Much He Cares About Them

Owen And Bret Hugging

Owen Was A Loving Father And Husband. He Loved His Family Very Much, "My Family Is More Important To Me Than Anything Else In The World" - Owen Hart On Raw And For WWF Magazine.

A Picture Of Owen And His Family:

Owen Hart And His Family At Christmas