Rumours                                                                                                                         Latest Rumours: 1st October 99.

Help Wanted: Rumours Reporters - Email If You Are Interested In Reporting Rumours!

- Taz Is Heading To The WWF! His First Feud Will Be Against The Rock!

- WCW's New Booking Committee Is Thinking Of Decreasing Flair's Role In WCW (Dumb Move) And Pushing The Younger Talent. The're Thinking Of Maybe Retiring Hulk Hogan. I Think They Should Keep Him For A While, He Gets The Crowd Excited And Draws Ratings.

- SMART WRESTLING FANS RUMOUR: Kane Will Have To "Blade" In A Match In Mid-2000

- SMART WRESTLING FANS RUMOUR: On Smackdown A Few Weeks Ago, X-Pac Did Not Blade On The Stage, It Was Hollywood Movie Liquid (If Ya Know What I Mean)

- SMART WRESTLING FANS RUMOUR: The WWF Are *******! The Big Show's Dad Died Years Ago. Believe It Or Not, His Father Died Of Cancer. The WWF Really Take The P#ss My Turning Into An Angle In My Opinion!

- Brad Armstrong, Bret Hart And Buff Bagwell Will All Recieve Pushes

- Berlyn To Pushed BACK A Few Steps (Dumb Move). Just As Berlyn Started Recieved Crowd Heat

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