A Picture Of The 'Taker On The WWF Raw Selection Screen (Real Picture)

A Picture Of The 'Taker On The WWF Royal Rumble Game Selection Screen (Real Picture)

The Undertaker Tombstones Mankind

A Pic Of The Undertaker On The WWF Raw Game (Not A Real Picture)

AnotherPic Of The Undertaker On The WWF Raw Game (Not A Real Picture)

Animation Of The 'Taker From The WWF Royal Rumble Game (© Gov's Wrestling Page)

The Undertaker's Logo From His Site

The Undertaker Poses

The Undertaker Nails The Warrior

The Undertaker's Famous Glove Pose


unditope.avi The Undertaker Flies Over The Ropes And Lands On Shawn Micheales! (And 50 Other Wrestlers)