WCW SuperBrawl
Wrestlers To Pick From

It Has Over 12 Wrestlers. All Good Wrestlers Such As Dustin Runnels (Goldust), Vader, Rick Rude, Ric Flair, Jhonny B. Bad (Mark Mero), Rick Stiener, Sting, Brian Philman, Scott Steiner, Ron Simmons (Farruq), Ricki "Dragon" Steamboat And Barry Whindham.

Installing= Unzip ZSNES And The Game Into The Same Directory, Drag wcwbrawl.smc Into znes.exe, When It Says Press Any Key, Press Z And There Will Be Fast Emulation And Sound.  

ZSNES - Emulator  

WCW Brawl - Go Near The Bottom Of This Page And You Will See It There

Back-Up Link - Gaurenteed To Work Because It's On My Server