Hi. My name is Marc Kemp and I have put this web site together on the greatest football team in the world.

I play for a Sunday League team called F.C Tanners. We are a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds, with a few older fella's who have just completed our first ever season in the open age league.

We came up from the youth league and in our very first season we came third place in the league after having a very bad start to the season. In the end we got promoted and obviously we were very chuffed about it.

We are constantly looking for other teams to play against, and would love to play another team in a friendly, against anyone in Great Britain.

INTERESTED??. We could easily get a game on, and would not decline any offer of playing against anyone!!!!!!!!!


So please E-mail me, tell me about your team, and I'll get back to you!! It'll be fun won't it.



[email protected]