WTA Tour - 1997 Ranking System

On December 23, 1996, the COREL WTA TOUR adopted a new lump-sum ranking system. Prior to this date, the total points awarded for each tournament played within a 52-week period were added & then divided by the number of tournaments played in that same period (minimum divisor of 14 tournaments: if one played in 13 or fewer tournaments, her points were still divided by 14).

From December 23, 1996, onward, a simple sum of the ranking points awarded for each tournament played during the prior 52 weeks is computed. A divisor is no longer used to computer average performance. This method is similar to the current ATP ranking system, except that all WTA tournament results are counted. The ATP Tour counts only a player's best 14 results during the prior 52 weeks toward the player's ranking. These lump-sum systems are designed to encourage greater participation in tour events. Players who participate in more tournament enjoy a greater ranking benefit.

The current ranking system awards points based on the tier of a tournament as well as the type of draw (the number of players in the main draw in a tournament). Players are ranked on the basis of their total points - Round and Quality - earned over the prior 52 weeks. The details of Round Points and Quality Points are outlined in the following tables.

Singles Round and Quality Point Tables

Singles and Doubles Round Points Table:

            Draw    W    F    SF   QF  R16 R32 R64 R128   Qfr Qu3 Qu2 Qu1
Grand Slams   128   520  364  234  130  72  44  26   2    16.5 12   6   2
WTA Chps       16   390  273  175   97  54   -   -   -      -   -   -   -
Lipton         96   260  182  117   65  36  22  13   1     11   6   3   1
Tier I         64   260  182  117   65  36  22   1   -      6   -   3   1
Tier I         32   260  182  117   65  36   1   -   -     11   6   3   1
Tier II        64   200  140   90   50  26  14   1   -      5   -   3   1
Tier II        32   200  140   90   50  26   1   -   -      9   5   3   1
Tier III       64   140   98   63   35  18  10   1   -      4   -   2   1
Tier III       32   140   98   63   35  18   1   -   -      7   3   2   1
Tier IV        64    80   56   36   20  10   6   1   -     2.5  -  1.5  1
Tier IV        32    80   56   36   20  10   1   -   -     4.5  3   2   1
$75,000        32    54   38   24   14   7   1   -   -     2.5  2  1.5  1
$50,000        32    36   25   16    9   5   1   -   -     2.5  2  1.5  1
$25,000        32    22   15   10    6   3   1   -   -     1.5  1  0.5 0.25
$10,000 (M)          10    7    5    3   1   -   -   -      -   -   -   -
$10,000        32     5    4    2   1.5  1  0.5  -   -     0.25 -   -   -
$ 5,000 (M)           5    4    2   1.5  1   -   -   -      -   -   -   -

  Prize Money : Tier I     $926,250+
                Tier II    $450,000+
                Tier III   $164,250+
                Tier IV    $107,500+

Singles Quality (Bonus) Points Table:

            Loser's Rank    Bonus Worth   Grand Slam Points
                1             100              150 
                2              75              113
                3              66               99
                4              55               83  
                5              50               75
               6-10            43               65
              11-16            35               53
              17-25            23               35
              26-35            15               23
              36-50            10               15  
              51-75             8               12 
              76-120            4                6 
             121-250            2                3
             251-500            1               1.5
               501+             0                0

Doubles Quality (Bonus) Points Table:

            Loser's Rank*   Bonus Worth   Grand Slam Points
               3-5            100              150 
               6-10            90              135
              11-20            65              97.5
              21-30            45              67.5 
              31-50            30               45
              51-80            20               30
              81-130           14               21
             131-200            9              13.5
             201-300            6                9
             301-500            4                6  
               501+             2                3

             * Combined rank of doubles team members


Players are awarded Round Points for the highest round they reach as well as Quality Points for each win over a player ranked in the top 500.

Players who qualify and then lose in the 1st round of the Main Draw will receive Round Points as indicated in the Qfr column of the Round Points table. Players who qualify but then lose in a round other than the 1st round of the Main Draw will receive the Qfr points in addition to the Round and Quality Points earned based on the highest round reached in the Main Draw. Lucky Losers earn only Main Draw Round Points based on the highest round reached in the Main Draw unless they lose in the 1st round, in which case they receive Round Points earned in qualifying. Qualifiers and Lucky Losers retain Quality Points won in qualifying.

Players are ranked on the basis of their total points - Round and Quality - earned over the prior 52 weeks.

Players must have played in at least 3 tournaments to appear in the rankings. Players under the age of 15 cannot obtain a computer ranking. If a player under the age of 15 plays in a tournament, that tournament will not be counted for Ranking Points for that player. If a player plays a tournament that exceeds the number permitted to be played under the Age Eligibility Rule, that tournament will not be counted for ranking points for that player.

Players who receive byes but then lose in the 2nd round will be awarded 1st round loser's points.

Players who default in a tournament before playing their first match will not have the tournament count on their record. For any default occurring in a tournament, the advancing player will be rewarded Round Points but not Quality Points over her opponent.

Entries and seeding are determined by highest rank. In the event of a tie, the following procedures, in the order shown, are used to break the tie: (1) Greatest number of Quality Points; (2) Highest ranking from previous week; (3) Greatest number of tournaments played in the past 52 weeks.

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