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Goldfinch Photo Album

Below are photographs of birds which belong to the members of the International Carduelan Society. If anyone has some interesting photographs, please e-mail as an attachment for inclusion to this page.

Updated Wednesday, 22 August 2001 

Goldfincheggs.JPG (41522 bytes)

Goldfinches eggs
Photo by John Quatro

Goldfinches1998.JPG (76475 bytes)

European Goldfinches 19 Feb. 1998
Photo by John Quatro

BritGoldfinchMale.JPG (44276 bytes)

Male C.c. Britannica
Photo by John Quatro

BritGoldfinchFEMALE.JPG (40103 bytes)

Female C.c. Britannica

NiedGoldfinchMale.JPG (38932 bytes)

Male C.c. Niediecki
Photo by John Quatro

NiedGoldfinchhen.JPG (37205 bytes)

Female C.c. Niediecki

MaleSiberianGoldfinch.JPG (66798 bytes)
Siberian Goldfinch(Carduelis c.major)
Photo by: John Quatro

SpanishGoldfinchMale.JPG (55791 bytes)

Spanish Goldfinch
(Carduelis c. parva)
Miniature version of Siberian Goldfinch
Photo by: John Quatro

SiberianGoldfinch2.JPG (46056 bytes)

Siberian Goldfinch C.c major

eurogold&hoodedsisk.JPG (44811 bytes)

European Goldfinch & a Hooded Siskin just out of the nest
Photo by John Quatro

GoldfinchFemoneggs.JPG (74658 bytes)
Goldfinch female on eggs
Owned by: John Quatro

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Siberian Goldfinches(C.c.major)
foto by:Angelo Fumagalli from Italy

1Golgfinch1988.JPG (55893 bytes)

Young Goldfinch 1998
Photo by John Quatro

FemaleGoldfinch1998.JPG (49710 bytes)

Young Female Goldfinch (C.c.niediecki) 1998

Himalayan.JPG (16752 bytes)
Himalayan Goldfinches
Owned by Jean Michel Eytorff

GoldfinchCaniceps.JPG (55434 bytes)
Himalayan Goldfinch
Giorgio de Baseggio - Cardellini e Lucherini

ConicepsMaleH.JPG (61294 bytes)
Himalayan Goldfinch male
(C.c. caniceps)
Photo: J.Quatro
Owned by: John Verhiel

ConicepsMale.JPG (64234 bytes)
Himalayan Goldfinch male

GldfinchParapanisi.JPG (54724 bytes)
Himalayan Goldfinch
Giorgio de Baseggio - Cardellini e Lucherini

AlbinoGoldfinch.JPG (59102 bytes)
Albino Goldfinch
Giorgio de Baseggio - Allevamento dei Carduelidi

CctschusiiMale.JPG (45697 bytes)
Very small Goldfinch male native to Sicily

Cctschusii.JPG (58831 bytes)
Goldfinch female native to Sicily
Photo by John Quatro

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