Australia is well known for it's abundance of beautful parrots,having 53species,53 breeding,45 endemic out of 340 species of the world.
Calyptorhynchus Baudinii..........Long-Billed Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus Funereus.........Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus Magnificus......Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus Lathami...........Glossy-Black Cockatoo
Callocephalon Fimbriatum
.........Gang Gang Cockatoo
Cacatua Leadbeateri...................Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
Cacatua Sulphurea......................Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Cacatua Galerita.........................Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Cacatua Ophthalmica
.................Blue-eyed Cockatoo
Cacatua Moluccensis..................Salmon-Crested Cockatoo
Cacatua Alb..................................White Cockatoo
Cacatua Haematuropygia...........Red-vented Cockatoo
Cactua Goffini.............................Goffin's Cockatoo
Cactua Pastinator.......................Western Long-Billed Corella
Cactua Tenuirostris.....................Long-Billed Corella
Cactua Sanguinea.......................Little Corella
Galah-Eolophus Roseicapilla
One of Australia's best known widespread parrots.Plumage shades of pink and grey.Crest light pink and wings,tail silvery grey,rest of plumage deep pink.Male has dark eyes and female red eye-ring.Size36cm.
Voice-Loud high double screech.
Location-Woodlands,grasslands with trees semi-arid country,also suburban parks and gardens and shore lines.

Wide spread across Northern,Central,and Eastern Australia and Tasmania.
Breeding-July-December.Nest in tall gum trees in hollow,2-5 white eggs,incubation 30 days.
Diet-Grass seed,shoots,flowers,fruit,wheat and oats,grains,nuts,roots, berries,herbaceous plants and often cause great damage to grain and sunflower crops.
Little Corella-Cactua Sanguinea
Plumage white overall,slight pink at the base of feathers mostly hidden on crown and slight pink lore.No pink bar across throat like the long billed Corella,short white crest and bare grey eye-ring more extensive beneath eye.Short bill.35-39cm.
Voice-Noisy loud screeches.Fly in large flocks and heard before coming into sight.
Location-Tropical and arid woodlands,mulga arid scrub-
lands,mangroves,mallee,farms and along tree-lined water-
courses.Throughout Australia,also in southern New Guinea.
Breeding-August-November.Nest hollows in large trees,in Northern Australia in holes in cliffs and mangroves,in North West Australia in tall termite mounds.Lay three to four white eggs,incubation 28to30days
-Grass seeds,fruits,berries,nuts,vegetable matter,roots,and buds,
causes damage to grain-fields in Western Australia.
Little Corella
Major Mitchell-Cacatua Leadbeateri
Almost plumaged entirely in delicate tints of pink,crest near-white when folded,but when raised to its full radiating fan-shape reveals bands of pink,scarlet and yellow.Upperparts white with a tint of pink,remainder of plumage pale salmon-pink except crest;deeper pink on forehead and on underfacees of wings and tail.Male has brown eyes and female has red and has more yellow in crest.Fly in small flocks.33-36 cm.
Voice-A thin undulating and almost musical screech,and gives harsher screeches when alarmed.
Location-Sparsly timbered grasslands,mulga,mallee,inland water course gums,casuarinas on rocky ridges,drier farmlands.Wide spread through inland and drier coastal regions.
Breeding-August-December.In hollow of tree 2-4 eggs on wooddust of hollow.
Major Mitchell
Australian Parrot List
World Parrots
African Parrots
Brazillian Parrots
North American Parrots