Dolphins are airbreathing mammals that inhabit all the oceans of the world. Sleek and aerodynamically-formed, they are tight-skinned and feel rubbery to the touch. There are over thirty dolphin species in all, and they are differentiated from each other not only by size, but also by shape and markings.They are highly intelligent creatures, in fact, their brain size is larger in proportion to their body weight than ours is, and considerable evidence exists attesting to their intelligence. They live in close-knit social groups called "pods".Female give birth to live calves and nurse them till 12months old.
All dolphins use sonar waves for commication and detect fish for food ,and are known to be healers to humans and  telepathic.
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin - (Stenella Frontalis ).The Atlantic spotted dolphin is a relatively small dolphin. They are long & slender, and have a more slender beak than the bottlenose. Spotted dolphins are light or steel grey in colour, and become covered with spots as they grow older. Newborn dolphins have no spots at all. The spots cover the upper body and flanks of the adults, extending to the belly with age. In size, calves are born about 80 centimetres long at birth, and grow to a maximum of 2.5 metres long, with males being slightly larger and heavier then females,and weigh about 220-310lbs(100-140kg). Spotted dolphins can live up to 45 years, and live in schools ranging from a few dozen to several thousand.  Mostly found off the Atlantic Coast of the United States, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Bahamas.
Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin - (Tursiops Truncatus ).The bottlenose dolphin is one of the most popular dolphins found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters, usually in coastal areas,inshore areas,open waters,entering rivers,an offshore form is found in the open ocean, sometimes seen with other dolphin species, and whales.
They interact with humans very easily and often used for marine parks and shows.
Colours vary,but generally this dolphin is light gray to slate gray on the upper part of the body shading to lighter sides and pale, pinkish gray on the belly.Short and stubby beak � hence the name "bottlenose". The bottlenose dolphin (like the beluga) has more flexibility in its neck than other oceanic dolphins.Length 6to12 feet(3to4 m)and weigh 1430pounds(650kg)and may consume 15-30 pounds (8-15 kg) of food each day. They eat a wide variety of food, including fishes, squid, and crustaceans. .They are mostly found in small schools of up to 30, and occasionally join up to number to several hundred,leaping above water and riding the bows of boats.

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