" Victims, aren't we all?..."

" Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children"

Shelly: "I love you"
Eric: "Say that again"
Shelly" I love you"

"Albrecht: Snow White, you move you're dead
 Eric Draven: I thought cops always said "Freeze!"
Albrecht: Well, I say don't move. Move and you're dead!
 Eric Draven: And I say I'm dead ... and I move..."

Eric nel magazzino di Gideon: "I'm looking for something in an engagment ring"

Eric a Sara: "It can't rain all the time"

Eric nell'appartamento di Funboy:" Does that hurt?"

Sempre nell'appartamento di Funboy: "You got me dead bang"

Eric: "Guess it's not a good day to be a bad guy, is it?"

Suddendly I heard a tapping...

Eric: "Try harder...try again"

Eric laughing
