" var f="" var bc="bordercolor=blue>" var MW="marginwidth=0" var MH="marginheight=0" //End of variables function framesa() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function framesb() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function framemixa() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function frames3v(){ document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function frames3h(){ document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function framemixb() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function Copy(){ if (document.Framer.Fillit.value=="") { alert ('The top box is empty. Please enter a script by clicking one of the frames buttons.') } else { document.Framer.Pastebox.value=document.Framer.Fillit.value } } function view(){ if (document.Framer.Pastebox.value=="") { alert ('The paste box is empty. Please enter a script by clicking the Copy/Edit button.') return false; } else { alert('If you like the results, remember to paste it to a text editor!') boat = open ("","DisplayWindow") see = parent.document.Framer.Pastebox.value boat.document.write (see) return true; } } function Instruct(){ help = open("","helpWindow","resizable=yes,location=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=500,height=250") help.document.write("Frame Builder Help") help.document.write("


") help.document.write("

1. Load a frame script into the top box by clicking one of the 6 pre built frame scripts buttons.") help.document.write("

2. Copy the script to the bottom box using the Copy/Edit button. Edit the script from the bottom box. If a mistake is made, a fresh copy will allways be available in the top box to compare or to reload.

") help.document.write("


") help.document.write("
  • Make sure to change the frame src=???.htm to YOUR pages and rename name=?? to suit.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Change the width or height of the frames by changing frameset Cols/Rows=?%.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Deleting noresize=yes allows movable frames.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Deleting bordercolor defaults to the Netscape grey bars.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Changing bordercolor to border=no hides the bars.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Changing scrolling=??? to auto or yes allows PAGE scrolling.
  • ") help.document.write("

    3. When satisfied with your changes in the bottom box, hit View to see the frames in a new window.

    ") help.document.write("

    4. Hit your browser'\s close option to return to the work window.

    ") help.document.write("

    5. When happy with how the frames look and operate, paste the script to a text editor. Save it as an .htm file.

    ") help.document.write("

    ") help.document.bgColor=('deepskyblue') help.document.close() }

    var f=""