Character Classes: Animal Characters

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     Anyone who has watched my game over the years
has probably wondered why this has taken so long. 
We've had intelligent frogs, crabs, turtles, bears, and
ferrets over the year, but never before specific rules to
govern them. Well, here those rules are, already printed
once in Whimsey's Eye, reproduced here for your use.

     Throughout Aphonion's history there have been
those who have played non standard characters of all
types, including imports from other AD&D game world.
But no characters are more unusual to D&D campaigns
then animals, and the addition of the Skills and Powers
book give a great opportunity to expand on these great,
if not so exotic races.

										The following was written by Jonathan Fox
Character Points: All animal characters start with 35
character points, however, some or those points must
be spent on a race package. Note that only a small list of
races appear here, and this is by no means a complete
list so if you want to play a race, like kangaroo, that does
not appear here just sit down and write it up. New
animals do not have to be real but they do have to be
reasonable. In the future additional races may be added
via Whimsey's Eye.
Races: As stated, this is not a complete list and only
includes frogs, sparrows, ferrets, cats, dogs, jackalopes,
and horses. They will all follow a standard format:

Race Name                CP cost
Animal Description: This will only appear for
     those animals which are fictitious or
     exotic, (like jackalopes.)
Attribute Modifiers: Any modifiers to the 
     attributes or the race.
Base AC: The animal's normal, unmodified AC, 
     when not in armor.
Base Movement: The animal's unmodified 
     movement rate.
Strength Modifier. A multiplier for the animal
     character when dealing with weight or
     bulk. For example, a character with a
     stamina of 12 and a x.5 modifier can
     carry 22.5 pounds and can carry up to 6
     bulk points in equipment.
Natural Attacks: The number (and damage) of 
     attacks made by the animal when using 
     natural weapons.
Special Abilities: Any special abilities possessed 
     by the typical member of the species.
     These abilities can be given up but only 
     net half the abilities CPs for expenditure 
Special Hindrances: Any hindrances the race 
     normally has. Unless otherwise stated
     under special abilities all races have the
     following hindrances:
          Can't speak
          No thumbs
Unobtainable: Any leftover CPs can be spent 
     on bonus abilities. Any abilities 
     appearing here are not allowed, any 
     other animal abilities can be purchases.
Thieving Abilities: The modifiers for 
     animal thieves.
     Pick Pockets: 
     Open Locks: 
     Find/Remove Traps: 
     Move Silently: 
     Hide in Shadows:
     Detect Noises: 
     Climb Walls: 
     Read Language: 
     Detect Magic: 
     Detect Illusions: 
     Escape Artist: 
     Climb Person Unnoticed: *

* Climb Person Unnoticed is a special ability available to
certain small animals naturally proficient in climbing.
Thieves of these races can purchase this skill for 10 CPs.
Climb Person Unnoticed starts at a rating of 5%
Special Abilities
Better Balance (10): Add one to the character's 
     balance suitability.
Bipedal Stance (5): The character can prop 
     her/himself up on two legs. Characters 
     without this ability will be at -5 for all 
     rolls unless properly braced or on all 
     fours. Keep in mind that it is very
     difficult to fight with  hand weapons
     when on all fours.
Can Talk (10): For what ever strange reason,
     the character can talk like a human.
Digging (5): This suitability gives the character 
     the ability the burrow into the earth. 
     This is similar to the tunneling thieving 
     ability except it cannot be used on rock. 
     The character has a 50% rating in this 
     ability, but does not gain race or 
     dexterity bonuses to the skill. An animal 
     thief with this ability gains an extra 15% 
     to the tunneling skill if he/she possesses 
Flight (15): The character has wings which 
     allow it to fly at a movement rate of 24" 
     with a maneuverability class of B. On 
     the down side, the character has no 
     hands and cannot develop thumbs. If 
     this ability is given up, the animal is 
     considered a strange mutant with 
     humanlike arms and hands, but may 
     develop thumbs. Note that giving up 
     this trait only gives 7.5 character points 
     back to the character. The character 
     could also buy a set of arms which 
     automatically have thumbs for an 
     additional 15 character points.
Gliding (10):  The character has folds of skin 
     which she/he can use to glide on, similar 
     to those possessed by flying squirrels. 
     Movement rate is 18" and 
     maneuverability is class C. Additionally 
     the character losses a minimum of 1" of 
     height every round until he/she touches 
     ground, unless there are strong up 
Good Hunter (5):  The animal gets the 
     nonweapon proficiency of hunting at 
     +3 for free.
Good Swimmer (5): The animal gets the 
     nonweapon proficiency of swimming at 
     +3 for free.
Good Tracker (5):  The animal gets the 
     nonweapon proficiency of tracking at 
     +1 for free.
Heightened Sense of Hearing (5): Same as the 
     Keen Hearing trait described on page 
     107 of the Skills & Powers book.
Heightened Sense of Sight (5): Same as the 
     Keen Eyesight trait described on page 
     107 of the Skills & Powers book.
Heightened Sense of Smell (5): Same as the 
     Keen Olfactory Sense trait described on 
     page 107 of the Skills & Powers book.
Heightened Sense of Taste (5): Same as the 
     Keen Taste Sense trait described on 
     page 107 of the Skills & Powers book.
Heightened Sense of Touch (5): Same as the 
     Keen Touch Sense trait described on 
     page 107 of the Skills & Powers book.
Hearty (10): The character gains +1 to her/his 
     health suitability.
Hold Breath (5): The character can hold his/her 
     breath for five times as long as normal.
Improved Stamina (10): The character gains +1 
     to her/his stamina suitability.
More Muscle (10): The character gains +1 to 
     his/her muscle suitability.
Natural Jumper (5): The character can jump 1"
     per point of muscle suitability. This may
     be done up to once per round.
Night Vision (5): The character can see 
     perfectly in near complete darkness, 
     however, the character also gains the 
     color blind disadvantage on page 109 of 
     the Skills & Powers book.
Prehensile Tail/Tongue/Trunk (10): The 
     character has some limb which she/he 
     has a great deal of control over. This 
     limb is automatically treated as a hand 
     without a thumb, and cannot develop 
Play Dead (5): This ability is the same as the 
     first level wizard spell, feign death. This 
     natural ability can be used as often as 
     the character likes.
Thumbs (5): The character has fully developed 
     hands with thumbs. Hands without 
     thumbs can only lift half their normal 
     maximum and any weapons held in such 
     hands will be held awkward. The 
     character can is at -2 to hit and damage 
     and when ever he/she successfully 
     strikes or parries an attack a muscle 
     check must be made to avoid dropping 
     the weapon.
Very Fit (10): The character gains +1 to her/his 
     fitness suitability.
Water Breathing (10): The character has gills 
     and can breath underwater, but cannot 
     breath air. When out of the water the 
     character starts to suffocate as per 
Webbed Fingers and Toes/Fins (10): The 
     character moves at the same rate in 
     water as she/he does on land.


25 Attribute Modifiers: Strength: -3 Dexterity: +4 Constitution: -1 Base AC: 7 Base Movement: 18" Strength Modifier: x .2 Natural Attacks: 1 bite (1d2) Special Abilities: Bipedal Stance Good Hunter Good Swimmer Heightened Smell Sense Heightened Hearing Sense Night vision Special Hindrances: Ferrets must eat their weight in meat every day. Unobtainable: Flight Water Breathing Thieving Abilities: Pick Pockets: -10% Open Locks: -5% Find/Remove Traps: +10% Move Silently: +15% Hide in Shadows: +15% Detect Noises: +10% Climb Walls: +15% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: -10% Detect Illusions: -5% Bribe: -20% Tunneling: +10% Escape Artist: +10% Climb Person Unnoticed: +15% [Image]


25 Attribute Modifiers: Dexterity +2 Charisma -2 Base AC: 7 Base Movement: 12" Strength Modifier: x .3 Natural Weapons: None Special Abilities: Good Swimmer Hold Breath Natural Jumper Prehensile Tongue Webbed Fingers and Toes Special Hindrance: Frogs need a moist environment in order to live. Frogs who in a dry environment for more then a few hours (constitution/fitness hours) will start to dry up taking one point of damage per turn until they get to some water. This damage heals immediately after thirty minutes of submersion. (Toads do not have this hindrance, but cost 35 CPs.) Unobtainable: Flight Water Breathing Thieving Skills: Pick Pockets: -20% Open Locks: -15% Find/Remove Traps: 0% Move Silently: +5% Hide in Shadows: +20% Detect Noises: +5% Climb Walls: -10% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: 0% Detect Illusions: 0% Bribe: -10% Tunneling: 0% Escape Artist: +10% [Image]


15 Attribute Modifiers: Strength -2 Dexterity +3 Constitution: -1 Base AC: 6 Base Movement: 12" Strength Modifier: x .2 Natural Weapons: 1 beak (1 point) or 1 talon (1 point.) Special Abilities: Bipedal Stance Flight Special Hindrances: None Unobtainable: Water Breathing Thieving Skills: Pick Pockets: -5% Open Locks: -5% Find/Remove Traps: +5% Move Silently: +10% Hide in Shadows: +5% Detect Noises: +5% Climb Walls: +10% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: +5% Detect Illusions: +5% Bribe: -10% Tunneling: -20% Escape Artist: 0% Climb Person Unnoticed: +10% [Image]


25 Attribute Modifiers: Dexterity +2 Wisdom -2 Base AC: 8 Base Movement: 15" Strength Modifier: x .4 Natural Weapons: 1 bite (1d3) or 2 claws (1d2) Special Abilities: Better Balance Good Hunter Good Tracker Heightened Sense of Hearing Heightened Sense of Smell Night Vision Special Hindrances: Cats automatically start with the disadvantage of Lazy. See page 110 of the Skills and Powers book for details. Unobtainable: Flight Water Breathing Thieving Skills: Pick Pockets: -5% Open Locks: -5% Find/Remove Traps: +10% Move Silently: +20% Hide in Shadows: +15% Detect Noises: +10% Climb Walls: +10% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: +5% Detect Illusions: +10% Bribe: -10% Tunneling: +5% Escape Artist: +10% [Image]


35 Attribute Modifiers: Strength +1 Constitution +1 Wisdom -2 Base AC: 8 Base Movement: 15" Strength Modifier: x .75 Natural Weapons: 1 bite (1d6) Special Abilities: Digging Good Hunter Good Swimmer Good Tracker Heightened Sense of Hearing Heightened Sense of Smell Night Vision Special Hindrances: None Unobtainable: Flight Water Breathing Thieving Skills: Pick Pockets: -15% Open Locks: -15% Find/Remove Traps: +15% Move Silently: +10% Hide in Shadows: 0% Detect Noises: +15% Climb Walls: -15% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: +10% Detect Illusions: +5% Bribe: -10% Tunneling: +15% Escape Artist: -5% [Image]


25 Attribute Modifiers: Strength +2 Dexterity -1 Constitution +3 Intelligence -2 Wisdom -2 Base AC: 8 Base Movement: 18" Strength Modifier: x 2 Natural Weapons: 2 hooves (1d6) Special Abilities: Heightened Sense of Hearing Improved Stamina Night Vision Very Fit Special Hindrances: Horses must spend 5 additional points to develop fingers if they wish to develop thumbs, Unobtainable: Flight Water Breathing Thieving Skills: Pick Pockets: -20% Open Locks: -20% Find/Remove Traps: -10% Move Silently: -15% Hide in Shadows: -10% Detect Noises: +10% Climb Walls: -10% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: +10% Detect Illusions: +10% Bribe: -10% Tunneling: -20% Escape Artist: -15% [Image]


25 Description: Jackalopes are desert dwelling rabbit like herbivores with deer like antler on their heads. Attribute Modifiers: Strength -1 Dexterity +3 Constitution -1 Wisdom -1 Base AC: 7 Base Movement: 15" Strength Modifier: x .3 Natural Weapons: 1 head butt (1d6) Special Abilities: Bipedal Stance Digging Heightened Sense of Hearing Heightened Sense or Smell Natural Jumper Special Hindrances: None Unobtainable: Flight Water Breathing Thieving Skills: Pick Pockets: -5% Open Locks: -5% Find/Remove Traps: +5% Move Silently: +15% Hide in Shadows: +10% Detect Noises: +10% Climb Walls: +5% Read Language: -50% Detect Magic: +5% Detect Illusions: +5% Bribe: -10% Tunneling: +10% Escape Artist: -10%
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