Character Classes: Liberator
Animal Character Kit

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The following was written by Jonathan Fox[Image]
     Liberators are animals who believe that humans
and demi-humans are domineering monsters. After all,
they enslave their brethren as "pets" and beasts of
burden, forcing them to live in conditions they
themselves would consider cruel and "inhumane." Yes
there are some exceptions to these rules, but most
humans and demi-humans are the "Great Oppressors."
These Liberators spend their lives freeing their fellows
from their unjust imprisonment and unfair incarceration.

     Some Liberators go a step further, believing that
humans and demi-humans do not deserve to share the
soil with them. They point out massive wars and slavery
of members of their own species as proof, calling for an
all out war against these evil beings. They will not rest
until they themselves have raised an army and over
come the human menace.

     The more intellectual members of the Liberator
kit encourage education of these poor, misguided souls.
They feel that humans and demi-humans do not realize
the pain they cause and could be made to understand.
Furthermore, they see that there are those animals who
have developed a feeling of comradery for humans and
demi-humans, and they also see that there are many
humans and demi-humans who develop close relationships with
animals. They usually point to the Cooshee-elf
relationship as an ideal. They believe that humans\demi-humans 
and animals can live together in peace in time.
     Role: Liberators are the revolutionaries of the
animal world. They see the relationship of animals and
humans/demi-humans as drastically wrong. These
animals spend their lives working for animal equality or
     Requirements: Liberators must have a
Wisdom/Willpower of 12, and be an animal.
     Recommended Weapon Proficiencies: Claws,
Teeth, and Talons.

     Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: fire
building, fishing, rope use (string), weather knowledge,
healing, herbalism, local history (animal's perspective),
blind fighting, disguise (well...), jumping, read humanoid
lips, tumbling, animal lore (it figures), hunting, unset
snares, survival, tracking.

Recommended Traits:  Alertness, animal empathy,
climate sense, fast healer, inherent immunity to cold,
keen eyesight, keen hearing, obscure knowledge (animal
Benefits:  Hide in terrain (natural) 75%, wildlife oratory
allows 1-3 conversions from among any normal
population of animals per week of rhetoric.  These
conversions are animals who become liberators
themselves under the leadership of the original liberator. 
Needless to say, this leads to areas where liberators
have taken up residence becoming increasing restive
under the oppressive hand of their exploiters!
Hindrances:  Liberators disdain for humans (demi-humans) is
such that they will not deal in trust with
humans (demi-humans), even when it is to their benefit.
If dealing with humans (demi-humans) they will
constantly be suspicious and paranoiac about the activities
of their nonanimal associates.  Additionally they have
difficulty grasping the idea of currency, and disdain the
idea as part of the conspiracy of the despoilers.  They
will not, under any circumstances, use currency
Equipment:  Animal sized equivalents of varied are
recommended.  Liberator's rarely use weapons and
armor, preferring to rely on their natural abilities.
Wealth:  Liberators must "spend" all of their initial
allotment at the start.  Anything not used disappears. 
Thereafter the liberator must barter for goods, see
"hindrances" above.
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