Lunar Characters on Break

[Hiro and the party watched as Ghaleon walks in on the team.]

Ghaleon: "That is record of my best work..."

Team: "Ghaleon?!"

[A shrill noise blares, signaling breaktime...]

All: "Alright!"

[Everyone changes their mood as they pull out chairs. Ghaleon relaxes himself, pouring a cup of herbal tea. Hiro passes out mineral water and club soda to his team while they take their seats.]

Ghaleon: [Taking a sip of his tea.]"Great job on the scene guys."

Team: "Thanks!"

[A group of fans parade around Ghaleon, wanting his autograph. Several photographers follow, attempting to capture his face. Ghaleon shields himself as a group of bodyguards enter the room and shove the people outside.]

Hiro: [Answering his cell phone.]"Yes? Sure I don't mind modeling for GQ..."

Lucia: [Takes out her script.]"I just can't get the part about being dense. Doesn't anyone realize my talent? I need to call my agent after this..."

Lemina: "Yeah, me too! I'm not getting any money for this."

Ronfar: "What do you guys want to do after the next scene?"

Jean: "Let's do lunch!"

[Leo walks into the room]

Leo: "Hey guys, I heard it was break time! I got tired of waiting outside the Mystic Ruins."

All: "Hi Leo!"

[Leo pulls himself a chair, grabbing a double latte and a bran muffin with that]

Leo: "Gotta watch my figure..."

Hiro: "Does anybody know what happens in the next scene?"

Ruby;"Here it comes..."

Lucia: "What do you mean that you don't know what happens in the next scene? You're suppose to know, you're the leading role!!!"

Hiro: "Oh! Oh! I see! Well then! I'll be at my trailer!"

Lucia: "That's what you think! I'm going to my trailer! I don't have to take this! Ack, I need more powder! Make-up!"

[Hiro and Lucia leave the area, deserting the others. The rest resume as Ghaleon picks up a romance novel and reads.]

Ruby: "Finally those two left! I was getting sick of them!"

Ronfar: [Adding in a girly tone, imatating someone.]"Is my hair okay?!? Do I look fat in this?!? Tell me, is my make-up smudged?!?...Hiro gets on my nerves so much."

Lemina: "And what about Lucia?"

Ronfar: "She's a babe! I plan on asking her out later."

Leo: "Hey, I was going to do that!"

Ronfar: "Too bad, I called her!"

Leo: "What about Mauri though? Isn't she good enough for you?"

Ronfar: "With that ugly mug?! No way!!"

Leo: "Are you calling my sister ugly?!"

Ghaleon: [Puts away his romance novel.]"Docter Love is on working hours now for your romance problems."

Leo: "Shut up Ghaleon! We don't need to know what you do on you own time!"

Ronfar: "Go away Ghaleon! Nobody cares about you!"

[Ghaleon whimpers as he runs out of the room.]

Jean: "What about me guys?! Am I not good enough for you?! Am I not pretty enough for you?! Is this dress not skimpy enough for you?! Don't you two love me?!"

[Ronfar and Leo both drop to the floor, bursting in uncontrollable laughter.]

Jean: "That's it! Butterfly Dance!!"

[Jean launches an attack at the two, chasing them out.]

Ruby: "Well, wasn't that lovely? I need to call my, excuse you..."

[Ruby flies out of the room, leaving Lemina there all alone. Another shrill noise blares, signaling the end of break...]

Lemina: [Looks around.]: : grins: : "Hey, hey! My time to shine!!"

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