Lunar Characters on Break II

[Hiro and his party approach Taben's Peak. Up further in the trail they see a white flying cat.]

Ronfar:"Hey Ruby, I thought you were the only flying cat around here."

[A siren blares, signaling yet another breaktime for Lunar:Eternal Blue's heros...]

Nall:"Alright![morphs to his human form]Hmmmm... I think I'll be having sushi today."

[the cast walks offset, taking whichever type of food that they desired off of the buffet table.]

Ronfar:[answering his cell phone]"Ronfar here...Oh hi Mauri...Oh that comment I made about Lucia...You heard about that?! Honey, I must have been drinking when I said that, I swear! And what I said about you having an ugly mug...Oh so you didn't know about that. Well I didn't mean that either!...But I don't want to sleep on the couch!"

[Hiro and Nall make gestures of cracking a whip at Ronfar.]

Ronfar:"Stop that or I'll smack you silly![loud angry screeches could be heardfrom the receiver]No sweetie, I wasn't talking to you!...Yeah, I'll do the dishes and the laundry when I come home..."

[Nall and Hiro snickered at Ronfar. Hiro's agent comes over and whispers something to Hiro.]

Hiro:"The people from GQ are here? I forgot that the photo shoot was today!"

[Hiro and his agent leaves. Nall goes to chat with Ruby, who is trying to be convinced by several sponsers to have her become the new model for their brand of cat food. Jean, Lemina, and Lucia all hang up on their agents and pull out chairs for themselves. Nall and Ruby eventually join them.]

Ronfar:"Baby, don't be mad with me...Wait! Don't hang up..."[He looks at his phone, shruggs, puts it away and takes a seat with Jean, Lemina, Lucia, Nall, and Ruby]

Lucia:[cell phone starts ringing]"Hello?...You want me to pose for Playboy?...Pervert! How did you get this number?...How much money did you say, I mean, absolutly NOT!!!"

[The cast of Lunar:SSS comes out onto the set.]

Alex:"Yo Nall! We need you for the remake."

Nall:"That wasn't in my schedule book, I'm suppose to be here doing the scene when they come to Taben's Peak! Excuse me,[takes out his cell phone]but I need to call my agent."

[The Lunar:SSS cast all groan and take a seat next to Jean, Lemina, Lucia, Ruby, and Ronfar. Kyle and Nash go to grab food for themselves and the rest. Jean get bottle water for them.]

Jessica:"Kyle! How do you plan on fitting that in your mouth!"

[Kyle made a sandwich stacked a foot tall, fruitlessly trying to fit the thing in his mouth.]

Kyle:"When there's a will, there's a way!"[trying to take a bite, all of the meat ended up falling out.]

Jessica:"Men are such pigs![takes out her phone]I'm sure there's a feminist rally I'm suppose to be attending to..."

Luna:[script in hand, reading glasses on]"I'm so glad I don't get kidnapped so early in the game this time. See![points to a part on the paper]I even get to sing a song with WORDS in it!"

Alex:"I even actually get a speaking part in it this time. No more dinky lines someone might not recognize me saying![pager vibrates]The director wants us back. Nall, you coming or not?"

Nall:[gets off of his cell phone]"My agent screwed up and accidently told your director that I was free."

Alex:"Okay then! Back to the other set everyone!"

[The Lunar:SSS crew leaves and Hiro comes back, his hair all wind blown and decked out in the up-to-the-minute fashion style of clothing. Ronfar's cell phone rings again.]

Ronfar:"Hello? Leo! Buddy!...Mauri told you that?...How'd she find out anyway?...You told her!...Why I ought...? Excuse me Leo, I have another call.[pushes a button and puts the phone to his ear]Yes?...Who is this?...Mauri? No she's not here, may I take a message?...Oh! You're Mauri! Of course I knew it was you!...Who was on the other line, well that was-- No it wasn't another woman!"

[The siren that ended their breaktime sounded off.]

Lucia:"What? Breaktime's over! I need to call Vic, for the money we're getting paid with I think we need a longer break."

Jean:"Well I'm going to call my agent and see if I can get another gig!"

Ruby:"I'm going to call the director and see if I can get some more close-ups of my cute face."

Lemina:"Huh, well I'm going to call my lawyer and see if I can sue someone mega important and get some cash for Vane."

Hiro:" That reminds me, I need to call Grandpa Gwyn and see if he took his medication."

[The producers come over and see everyone but Nall on their cell phones. Ghaleon comes on the set.]

Ghaleon:"Why don't we just do the scene where I steal Nall's aura?"

Producer:"Good idea, Ghaleon."

Nall:"Wait! Let me check my agent about that first..."

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