RPG Celebrity Deathmatch - #5

Xenobia vs. Scythe

ND) "Nick Diamond,"

JG) "And Johnny Gomez here. Due to budget cuts we had to combine our shows Celebrity Deathmatch with our RPG Deathmatch tonight."

ND) "The cheap @$$-"

JG) "And now let's interview the winner from the first battle."

ND) "Just earlier she was in brutal bout with the so-called 'Warrior Princess', Xena. Now the lovely Miss Summers will be our guest host the rest of the night."

JG) "And so we bring to you now the vampire slayer from Sunnydale, Buffy."

BS) "Thank you, it's such an honor to be here."

ND) "So is killing vampires all you do at Sunnydale?"

BS) "Well when I'm not wigging out over an up coming history exam, I hang out with my buds, Willow and Xander. And occasionally I have to keep Sunnydale safe from demons."

JG) "Tonight's duel will be going for the the title of the evilest villaness."

ND) "The ladies will certainly duke it out tonight, Johnny."

JG) "Ha ha, they certainly will, Nick."

ND) "In the ring we have Xenobia from Lunar: The Silver Star and Scythe from Dragon Force."

[camera zooms down to the two in the ring]

Xenobia) "So you think you can beat me? The leader of the Vile Tribe! I've got news for you, it ain't happening!"

Scythe) "Hrmph!"

BS) "I'm sorry, but that was the weakest trash talk I ever heard."

JG& ND) "Ha ha ha!"

Mills Lane) "I want a good destructive fight. Now let's get it on!"

S) "Ensnare!"

[Xenobia is hit by surprise with the spell, and can no longer use magic because of it]

X) "*Hiss* Take this!" [She fiercely punches Scythe over and over again]

[The camera panes back to Johnny, Nick, and Buffy, who is twirling around a wooden stake. They don't notice that the camera is on them.]

ND) "And look at those two go! [puts his hand over the mike] We should have had them wear bikinis. [glancing at Xenobia & Scythe] Oh yeah..."

BS) "You mean you don't think that they aren't dressed slutty enough?"

ND) "True..."

[Johnny, about to say something, sees the camera and nudges Nick]

ND) "Looking back to the fight where it seems Xenobia and Scythe are getting down and dirty with hair-pulling, eye-poking, foot-stomping cheap fight."

JG) "And it looks to me like Xenobia is dominating the fight."

[camera goes back to the ring where Xenobia has got Scythe in a headlock]

X) "Say it, say, 'Xenobia is the most vile, disgustingly evil bitch that has beat me silly in RPG Deathmatch!'"

S) "Never! [she throws Xeonbia off her] I'm tired of this, I will end this here and now!"

[Scythe morphs into a succubus, her true form.]

X) "Two can play at that!"

[Xenobia transforms into some sort of fiend, taking more than half of the ring]

JG) "Now the fight can really begin!"

X) "Ha ha! Are you ready to face your demise small one?"

S) "Aren't we talking about the wrong demon?"

[Buffy comes out and onto the ring]

BS) "You two are more annoying than some of the idiots I fight."

X&S) "Who are you?"

BS) "::smiles:: I'm Buffy, the vampire slayer, but I also kill demons."

[Buffy takes out two pointy wooden stakes]

BS) "Let me show you how it's done."

[Buffy puts throws a stake at Xenobia's heart, she disolves into a pool of green acid. Buffy whips around and kicks Scythe in the face, knocking her down, stabs her in the chest with the other stake.]

BS) "All in a day's work..."

ND) "I thought this was suppose to be *RPG Deathmatch*."

BS) "You never know with me. I'm might be in one some day ^_~."

ND) "This is Nick Diamond,"

JG) "And this is Johnny Gomez, saying good fight, good night."

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