RPG Celebrity Deathmatch - #7

Ramus vs. Glug vs. Borgan

ND) Nick Diamond.

JG) And Jonny Gomez here. This is Celebrity Deathmatch.

ND) For tonight's fight we had to search far and wide to find the contenders and here they are.

JG) For the title of largest fighter, we have Ramus from Lunar:SSSC.

[ Camera pans down to Ramus, who's stuffing his face with fatty foods. He looks up with his mouth full and gives a wave.]

ND) And on the corner we have Glug from Popful Mail.

[ Camera switches to Glug, who is sneaking a cookie in his mouth. He notices the camera and immediatly try to hide the evidence.]

JG) But that's not all folks. It wouldn't be RPG Deathmatch without a few surprises.

ND) That's right, we're adding to the excitement with a mystery fighter. Bring him out.

[ Guards bring out another large man with a black cloth draped over his head. Taking it off, they reveal Borgan from Lunar:EB.]

ML) I wanna good, messy fight. Let's get it on!

JG) It appears that none of the three want to fight.

ND) We can't have that happen. For that, we have to make the fight worthwhile.

JG) Bring it out.

[ A giant crane lowers a huge 16 layer cake.]

ND) Now they'll have to fight.

[ Glug, Ramus, and Borgan drool as they stare at the wonderous prize. Remembering that there were two others they would have to share with,they started to sneering at one and another with vicious glances.]

JG) Watch out everyone! This could get ugly!

R) That cake's mine!

G) Saids who, fat@ss?

R) I'm not a fat@ss, I'm big bone!

G) Hey! Borgan's eating the cake!

ND) It appears that while the two were arguing, Borgan took advantage and launched at the cake.

JG) What's this?! It looks...YES!! Ramus and Glug have made a truce!

ND) Only on RPG Deathmatch will you see this!

[ Ramus and Glug charge at Borgan and begin to punch him. Borgan tries to counterattack, but is too stuffed to react. The added weight on him is too much that his floating device breaks.]

JG) Oh no! The device that keeps Bogan's lard butt moving broke!

ND) And he fell on top of Ramus and Glug, crushing them to death.

JG) Now Borgan can have that cake all to himself, ha ha!

ND) Nick Diamond...

JG) And Jonny Gomez saying good fight, good night.

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