Full Name: Scavenger
Species: Flying Cat
Age: 17
Status: Forest Guardian
Likes: Flying
Dislikes: Intruders, people harming the woods
Fears: Unknown
Background Information
Scavenger is sort of like Knuckles. He guards the Great Forest as best he can from anything seemingly harmful. Though unlike Knuckles, it's not certain if his prior family protected the Forest as well. He's had a couple of run-ins with Jammer and Ray, they aren't direct friends, but they aren't enemies either. Recently though, Scavenger has been joined, or followed more like, but a little, purple, bat-winged creature, which he nicknamed "Patty" for purple-bat.
Full Name: Plato
Nicknames: Patty
Species: unknown
Age: unknown
Background Information
Not much is known about this little character. As he just showed up one day. One thing is known, he has special powers, the one known of is a power to evolve, which he shall do throughout the story. **Below are his evolved forms from smallest to largest** He also has a tie with Jude.