It's been nigh on eight years since an arrogant young man wrote some of what lies below. So why leave it up, especially after finally finding the password?

...because it's the internet, and nothing can ever truly go away on the internet. Reading the paragraphs below, especially the line about "poor characters" was... rude and unnecessary. And arrogant. It's no wonder my attempt at a "revamp" died within a couple months of my power tripping, god-modding, Nemedia-shaking reset.

There's still good ideas here, in both the original and revamped versions. And these were not the ideas of one person. Every person that posted to the site, before it was taken over by spambots, contributed both positively and negatively, and that in turn built it into what it became. Thank you to Maugrim, to Giada, and Khoalb, and Padain, and Dee and Hoppy and Traveler and so many others. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for letting me share with you.

...That and I spent a LOT of hours making the initial web page, and the archives... so, y'know, I have to have at least ONE testament to my obsessive madness.

Without further ado, I give you a 22 year-old's website.


FantasyFiction World Presents
The Talisman WarWebsite
TheRevamp Has Arrived

"In the year 5,204 A.E. a thief entered the Shanal Museum of Antiquities in Elvanar, stealing several ancient artifacts, some dating as far back as pre-Exodus Earth.. No one could have guessed that what seemed to be a simple crime would change Nemedia forever..."

Maugrim MacFiraba

Welcome to the grand re-opening of the Talisman War website, the Fantasy Fiction World's free-form rpg home page. Whether you're a new member trying to jump in, an older member who has fallen behind or left, or a complete stranger drawn in by curiosity, we hope that this website will tempt you to join us in Nemedia.

Until recently the RPG at FFW was plagued with inconsistencies, disjointed, confusing chronology, and poor characters. Due to the crisis one of the moderators made an extreme decision, and over the course of two months prepared to "revamp" the Talisman War.

After clearing aside the conflicting clutter and establishing new rules, a new incarnation of the Talisman War is ready to begin. Won't you please join us?

For more information, click on any of the links along the bottom of the page.


August 16, 2002: Revamp Begins

Everything is updated, uploaded, and ready to go. The original Talisman War is finished... all that's left is to send out announcements and start the new RP up!

July 4, 2002: Profiles!

Profiles are now up. Go ahead and fill either the basic or the advanced profile out.

July 1, 2002: Revamp Begins

The revamp begins with a new webpage, a new location, and all the important documents uploaded here and downloadable from the club, including the rules. Enjoy!


Fantasy Fiction World


Fantasy Fiction World Discussion


Updated August 16, 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel

Copyright�1999-2002. R.S-Fantasy Fiction World. All Rights Reserved.