Authority of his main description
Age: 238, Looks like he's in his early 20's
Eyes: Ususally Hazel Green but change with emotions
Hair: Not seen most of the time but is a real Rugged Dark Brown, almost Black
Race: Chaos Knight
Job: Chaos Knight
Gender: Male
Likes: Women of all races an many other races. and occasional drink, mainly likes Jack Daniels. A job being done, with a large bounty. His love Cheyenne_Windsong_La_Centaur
Dislikes: His prey unless they pay him more to live. A good fight, like his kills easy. People bothering him.
(In the picture with me is my love Chey)
He is a Chaos Knight which is his race and his job. The race is created by death himself and can do almost anything, 'tis strange though, a race created for there job. He tends to use his massive chaos axe using hte power of darkness to fight, but occasionally uses his chaos sword having the ability to slice anything open or slice through it. He also uses dark magic and is a master of the trade. He just became talented with light magic but is still working. He has also became a controller of elements using minor spirits to aid him in battle.
As You Can See......
As you can see he is a well rounded character with an extreme power yet ggentleness to most. He treats Cheyenne like a delicate flower and would not leave her for anything since she is the first to like him. If you can't tell, he is a character for yahoo chat altohugh i used him long ago in a regular rp game with a special AD&D game that let you do anything.
Favorite Links

where this it at, Yahoo Chat!

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