Full Name: Conan Ralphie Rowsell
Nicknames: Puss and boots, Conie Island, Cone-Ob, tonsilitis, puss, treasurely trout, etc, etc.
Birthdate: January ??/2001
Height/Weight: 1'/7lbs
Love Status: He loves his mom :o) And the cat that hangs around our apartment building
Quotes: "meow," "Purrrrr"
Siblings: His little sister Chloe!
Pets: Adam, and Brian
School Attending: None
Work Place: His butt, it requires much licking
E-Mail: [email protected]
ICQ Number: None
Favorite Things
Sport: Kitten Chasing
Candy Bar: As long as it has chocolate, Conan doesn't care
Flavor Gum: Whatever is stuck on the bottom of the chair
Flavor Soda: Toilet Water
Food: Anything left on the plate
Season: Summer
Weather: Sun
School Subject: Ass licking 101
Thing to Do: Climbing on the counter, sleep, and try to steal peoples food, and tear apart garbage bags.
Song: Smack My Bitch Up - Prodigy
TV Program: Ed's Big Wham Bam
Color: Orange, cause thats what color he is!
- Meow mix...and eating in general
- Drinking out of toilets
- Licking himself
- Escaping when people come in the back door
- Sleeping and being lazy
- Loves it when Eddie comes over
- The fact he has no claws....or manlihood
- When theres no meow mix
- When people push him away when he tries to eat their food
- When his mom mauls him