Ahhh..Ahhh...Ahhhh...He's just a Sexy Boy..S-E-X-Y..Boyyyy...he's my boy toy...ahhh...ahherrr..ahh did I say that out loud just now??... Well now...If I could be serious for a minute, Kent was very intelligent when he was in highschool, and then decided to go away to University to further his education. Well you see, it didn't turn out like that. Kent got out to the big city of St. Johns and then the Drunkin' Ages began. His life has taken a turn for the worse, the clouds of missery loomed over head, and his life has reached a dead end. But he did get one good thing out of it. He stole some Weed from Drunken Lesbians! SCORE!

Full Name: Peter Kent Woolridge
Nicknames: Woo
Birthdate: Febuary 25th, 1981
Height/Weight: 5'10 / 170lbs
Love Status: Pimping (and it ain't easy!)
Quotes: "Man", "Dude", "What's the score?"
Siblings: Sister Kelly
Pets: None...Maybe a Weed plant though..
School Attending: Doing Something? at MUN
Work Place: None
E-Mail: [email protected]
ICQ Number: 107587136

Favorite Things
Candy Bar:
Flavor Gum:
Flavor Soda:
School Subject:
Thing to Do:
TV Program:

- Star Wars
- Clubbin'
- Role Playing Games
- Horror films
- Jim Morrison and the Doors!!!
- Partying hardcore
- Hot lesbians

- X-Pac
- Ugly lesbians
- More to be announced later