"Whats that! The earth is shaking!..... AHHHH... Look it's pamZILLA!" When she's pissed everyone run like theres no tomorrow...cause there probley wont be if she gets a hold of you! A girl with many-an-issue that needs to be dealt with! Ok Ok... not everything is bad with Pamy. She's Smart, Beauitful, Talented, and Single! But be warned boyz...she only has 101 qualifications. HAHA.. Just joking Pam."
Full Name: Pamela Rae LeDrew
Nicknames: Pam, Pammie, PamZILLA
Birthdate: April 24th, 1984
Height/Weight: 5'5, (Very Slim Frame)
Love Status: Single (She's very picky)
Quotes: Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have, It depends solely upon what you think." (Dale Carnegie)
Siblings: A 13 year old brother, David
Pets: A cat, whiskers, and a dog, Maggie
School Attending: Indian River High School
Work Place: My home (Teaching piano lessons)
E-Mail: [email protected]
ICQ Number: 37281010
Favorite Things
Sport: Volleyball
Candy Bar: Skor!
Flavor Gum: Excel Polar Ice
Flavor Soda: Jones Cream Soda
Food: Anything
Season: Late Spring
Weather: Sunny
School Subject: Biology
Thing to Do: Stuff with youth group, and being with friends
Song: Um.....I have a lot. I like "Everything I do I do it for you" (Bryan Adams)
TV Program: Friends, 3rd Watch
Color: Blue
- God
- Listening to Music
- Candy
- Driving Around (when mom pays for gas)
- Watching Movies especially cool Disney ones
- Chatting on ICQ/MSN
- Being with Friends
- Drinking Slushies
- Just doing whatever it is I'm doing at the time
- Thomas Amusements Staff
- Being Tickled
- People who think they can get with whoever they want
- People who can't mind their own business
- People who constantly have to put others down