Sir DJ Puff-a-lot is the man when it comes to getting "Hooked-Up"..Who better then Puff?
Full Name: Skott Crann
Nicknames: Puff
Birthdate: 03/11/79
Height/Weight: 5'9 / 240
Love Status: Single - Laddies don't know what their missin..
Quotes: "Shut the Front Door" "Ohh Juice!"
Siblings: Brother Calvin
Pets: None
School Attending: None
Work Place: Help Desk Now (AKA: Hell Desk Now)
E-Mail: [email protected]
ICQ Number: 11642647
Favorite Things
Sport: None
Candy Bar: Mirage
Flavor Gum: Dark Blue Excel
Flavor Soda: Pepsi
Food: Sucide Wings
Season: Winter..Except white it's Summer
Weather: Cool Stary Night
School Subject: Life
Thing to Do: Mix Tracks
Song: Creed "Inside Us All"
TV Program: None
Color: Blue
- Snowboarding
- Playing Bass
- Computers (He's a Web don't get that name over the weekend)
- Mixing Tracks
- I'm at peace with my shit...don't dislike much
- Chicks who can't make up their freakin minds