Mavrick Wihamne
Character's Name: Mavrick, Mav
Screen Name: MavrickWihamne
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 187 lbs
Occupation: ::shrugs::
Dice: ~check my profile, i dunno~
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Talents: ::shrugs::
Appearance: ~Look at the picture~
Weapons: .45 mm gun and a few daggers
Armor: n/a
Powers: n/a
History: I care nae tae go into this
Battle Injuries: I have a few scars onmy chest and my back, nae a big thing.
Pets: none
Guilds: ~again, look at the profile~
Favorite Hangouts: ::shakes his head::
Allies: Lady Keeru, my brother Cle and Lady Serena..::smiles::
Rivals: My Rival would have tae be Raven(XiViRaveniViX)
Best Battle: nae 'ave one.

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