"Princess" Xanae of Syria
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Character's Name: Xanae, Xan
Screen Name: Magniffy
Age: immortal
Height: 5'4"
Weight: ~*~not telling~*~
Occupation: Owner of Self Serve Tavern. Wanderer.
Dice: 4d72
Race: immortal human
Alignment: neutral
Talents: shape-shifting
Appearance: ~*has many forms, this describes her human form*~ pale skin, deep black hair to her shoulders, flashing grey eyes, skin tight black leggings, short tight red skirt, sleeveless silver half top, is well formed .. sometimes seen wearing a silver-grey sleeveless dress and brown ankle-high boots.
Weapons: Any weapons she uses come out of thin air when she needs them.
Armor: none
Powers: I dunno
History: ::shakes her head:: ~*~not telling~*~
Battle Injuries: I dun really battle.
Pets: I want a pet, but don't have one...
Guilds: I'll have to get back to you on that.
Favorite Hangouts: Self Serve Tavern
Allies: my friends ::smiles::
Rivals: there might be some peoples
Best Battle: n/a

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