

This appendix is to help you play different style of games using the HUNTERS troupe style game.  It also introduces some of the more different organizations that can work in a HUNTERS game but are more difficult to introduce then the average HUNTER organization.  This includes The Imbued from Hunter: The Reckoning, Hunters of the East, and the Technocracy, and some ideas on how to run historical HUNTER games.

Hunter: The Reckoning

The Imbued:

One of the biggest problems with the Imbued is that they are average everyday people: cooks, dentists, gamers (if you consider them average everyday people.)  The imbued are also not organized and have no leader or structure.  They are just a bunch of people with one thing in common, the ability to sence the supernatural.  There are a couple collections of Imbued groups but if there is a leader it is chosen by the group and that person does not have much power over the others.  There is also hunter-net but organization over the internet does not lend itself well to a HUNTERS game.

Imbued Troupe Games:

The Imbued by themselves can make for a typical troupe game where everyone makes characters and these characters are friends.  You then trade off storytellers.  In my opinion this is the best way to run Hunter: The Reckoning.  Everything for running regular HUNTERS still applies however the storyteller does not have to worry about getting the party together as the characters would already have some kind of relationship (this could be played out in the first session.)

Hunter: The Reckoning can be a lot of fun if run this way because The Imbued are even more clueless then other HUNTERS.  Since they are everyday people they have no reason to be hunting the supernatural.  The elements of mystery and darkness can be played up as the characters have no idea what is happening around them.

Combining Groups, The Imbued and others:

Combining the Imbued with other HUNTER organizations can be tricky.  Since the Imbued have no real structure they are less likely to be sent a missions.  However, you can run the Imbued as a well structured organization as though they were another HUNTER organization and then use the getting the characters together in the storyteller section.  You can also make an Imbued character part of a HUNTER organization.  Imbued characters are not more powerful then other HUNTER characters but they are made specifically for encountering other supernateral.  This is a decision to be made by the group because it is possible that the Imbued will be solving more of the mysteries then the other characters.

 Technocracy (Mage)

The Technocracy have been the major antagonists for the Traditions since Mage's release but the evil organization turns out not to be so evil after all, or at least not everyone in the organization.  Most of the corruption within the Technocracy comes from the top and dwindles the further you gone down the corporate ladder.  So, at the bottom, Joe, the mail delivery boy is not conspiring against the world, nor of many of the enlightened agents that work for the Technocracy.  Wheather Iteration X or Void Engineer most agents believe they are doing good, only the smoking men at the top know the truth, and they don't plan on telling anyone anything anytime soon.

This means that a Technocratic style HUNTERS game is possible.  For a Technocratic game you will need the Mage: The Ascension core rulebook and The Guide to the Technocracy.

Hunters of the East

(coming soon)

Historical HUNTERS

(coming )