...The 4th Coming - Reality at its finest...

11.11.99 8:54pm

Did you know everywhere you've been online is recorded and saved in a temporary folder that you cant access through your file manager, its true, if you dont know it exists and delete them often your hard drive will lag and its probabaly taking up alot of space..click here to see all the internet files that your computer has been saving, make sure you delete them periodically to free up space

get some java please :)

Our Java Games
Cool Art/java
Color Chart
Pokemon & others
Comp anger
Ab0ut you..
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- Table Of Contents -

[ main ] - page you are on now, you can come here for information on my site and updates.

[ files ] - consists of aol add-ons, shareware, and miscellaneous files that can be used for your benefit.
[ pics ] - go here to see elite pictures taken by my friends.
[ music ] - download ill-eet mp3's here, warning: mp3's must be deleted after 24 hours. I am not responsible for what you do with them.
[ about ] - ever wonder about this person un4given? go here to find out about me
[misc ] - this is pretty much anything that doesnt fit into the other categories of my site.....i dunno, quotes? strange happenings in my town?....the world may never know
[ html ] - free html and java help for you
[ project ] - stuff im working on
[ contact ] - find out how to contact me on aim, email, etc...




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Š Copyright 1999-2000; T4C is copyrighted by Mystic Mage Productions. Any reproduction of this page html or its arts is prohibited by law. If indeed anything from this site is stolen you will be prosecuted by law.
Mail: Unforgiven Aim: Unforgiven