The Universe according to the ascans
Map of the universe according to the ascans, Ilustration found in "the wisdom of the Ancient Ones"
The universe according to the ascans is divided in several planes of existence, some were for forms (physical) and some were realms of purpose (soul). It was their belief that when a sentient being died, his purpose was released to a different existance, depending on the actions of their lives, that new existence could be in the planes of reward, the planes of athosdit (punishment) or the Exnim (limbo).
The following is a brief explanation of each plane:
Ascakarn is the realm of life, residence of Ascan himself, only the greatest of men can hope to enter this plane upon their deaths, it is the plane of eternal bliss. Exgrá, the plane of redemption, is the reward for men whose purpose was tainted but they found the courage to cleanse it and achieve redemption. Cigmar, the last of the upper inmaterial planes, is the reward for those who followed the laws of order but did not achieve enough merits to enter Ascakarn. Exnim, the border of the material planes, is a weird plane where form and purpose converge, it is considered a spiritual world, but it is said that it can be entered physically. It is the plane of oblivion, reserved for those that never acomplished anything worthy. The planes of Rao (Chaos) and Miszh (Order) are planes of existance that contain the residues of the battle of Rao and Miszhná; Pure chaos and order. They are material (if dangerous) planes. The plane in the middle of the map is the world of Raokrá, representing all spheres and tangible reality. The world of Raokrá was considered to be the greatest in all creation. Hagnar, the first plane of Athosdit (punishment), consists of a dreary place of shadows where no palpable reality can be perceived, thus cursing the poor purposes that enter to an existence in illusions and constant change. It is the punishment for the doubtful and uncertain ones. Eshnor, the punishment of fire. It is a place for torture and eternal pain. Gerthal, the lowest of the planes of the Athosdit, is the plane of eternal nightmares.
For a more in depht description of the planes of existence, follow this link |