In the wake of Chaos...
Soon after the battle against the Dust Men, all the survivors found out that they now had strange powers, resulting from Miszhná's influence, making them stronger than any man. At first, the tribes returned home and tried to live their lives as if nothing ever happened, but that was a mere illusion.
In the year 34 of the New Era, the powerful Halash of the southern nomads became chieftain and soon rised to be the leader of all human tribes. Halash and his warriors waged war with all oyher tribes, becoming the master of all southern Karnar in less than 10 years.
With all of his conquests, the army and territory of Halash soon became the most powerful military force of all Karnar, and it seemed that the domination of all Karnar seemed inminent, shadowed only by the presence of the powerful elven tribe known as the eyes of Corellion on the North.
Halash's army concentrated near the border of his new empire and started a campaign of terror and violence, all the tribes of the center fell one by one, either surrendering or dying under the might of the invading army.
On the north, the elven council was faced with a harsh dilemma; to stand on their ground and try to fight off the intruders, and possibly be exterminated, or to surrender and let the humans soil the purity of their land. They were probably the only ones who could fight Halash, for they too had been blessed with the gift of great Miszhná, and posessed extraordinary powers and magic.
It took less than a year for Halash's army to reach the elven center of power, conquering many lands of center and northern Karnar, and so the great army stood before the lands of the last opposing power in all of Karnar. It is said that Halash stopped at the top of the mountain, and prayed to Uhndar for victory. Several scouts were sent, but none returned.
A month later, the great Halash still stood on the mountain, wandering what was going on in the land before him. Fearing that the elves were preparing an army of magical creatures or waiting for reinforcements of some sort, the army charged deeper into the elven woods, heading for their capital.
As Halash entered the ancient elven city, no sound could be heard and no man stood against him, cold wind blowing through the abandoned buildings of the elven city. The festivities in the city lasted for ten days and nights, celebrating the greatness of the mighty chieftain.
As Halash returned to his capital city, he became sick, dying of a strange disease in the year 59 of the New Era, rumors spoke of elven magic.
After the demise of their leader, the human tribes squabbled over the rulership of the land. One night, as the representatives of the tribes fought, a tall man with flowing blonde hair and deep green eyes entered the council chambers, the representatives were inmediately struck with awe as the man stood in the middle in the room, irradiating a strange aura.
The man announced himself as Ascan, the Ancient One, and said that he would become their protector and teacher.
Under the Great One´s tutelage, the council gave way to the royalty, headed by a fair and honest man, and the church of Ascan was born as counselors to the royalty. With Ascan by the side of our ancestors, the old empire (by now called the Ascan empire) flourished, bringing prosperity to all within it.
Ascan stayed in the world of man for little over two hundred years, but once he saw that his people could prosper without him, he left. He ascended to Ascakarn secretly one night, never to be seen again. Grieving the departure of our benefactor, our ancestors burned many precious posessions, so that their smoke could reach the sky honoring the Great One. And in honor to the Lord of Life, our ancestors now called themselves the people of Ascan, or ascans.