Sae Darrin Knight

From the beginning of Establishment, the pride of the world has rested on the Sae Darrin knights. They embody truth, justice, and strength and garner respect from almost every kingdom in Vallinor.

Their training begins at the ripe age of 6 in the halls of Sae Darrin castle. Once they have proven themselves, they may acquire a knight to teach them as a squire. This happens only to the best of the trainees, or if they have managed to befriend one of the knights by the time they have reached the accepted age of 12.

For many young boys (and the occasional girl), the quest for knighthood is a long one, especially considering that full knighthood is seldom ever attained. Although there a lot of knights, to actually be knighted by Sae Darrin himself is another matter altogether, it requires outstanding performance and character over a long period of time. To date, there are only 152 full knights in the knighthood 15 of whom are women.

Alignment: Any. With very few exceptions, members of the Knighthood are all good alignments.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 10, P.S.:12, P.P. 12
O.C.C.™ Bonuses: +1 Save vs. Horror Factor every even level (2,4,6,8…), +3 Initiative, +1 Strike, +1 Attack per melee. These are in addition to any hand-to-hand, or attribute bonuses.
Base S.D.C.™: 40
Awe Factor: 12 for any group of 4+

O.C.C.™ Skills:
Body Building
Forced March
Math Basic (+15%)
Languages: Common (98%) and another of choice at +10%
Military Etiquette (+30%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Horsemanship: Knight
W.P. Shield
W.P. Sword
W.P. Two of choice
Hand-to-Hand: Martial Arts

O.C.C.™ Related Skills:
Select two other skills from the Communication (+10%) category and six others from the following list. Plus, choose one additional skill at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. These skills begin at level one proficiency.

Communication: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: Exotic only
Medical: First Aid only (+5%)
Military: Any (+10%)
Physical: Any except acrobatics
Rogue: Any
Science: Any (+5%)
Scholar/Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Wilderness survival and track/trap animals only

Secondary Skills:
The Sae Darrin knight also gets to select four secondary skills from the precious list at level one, and two at levels four, eight, and twelve. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited as indicated in the above list.

Starting Equipment:
Two sets of clothing, boots, gloves, belt, bedroll, saddlebags, water skin, and tinderbox. In addition to this, the character will also have a horse that they have trained from breaking onward.

Dwarven sword (+1D6 damage, +1 Strike), knife (1D6+4 damage, +1 strike), weapon of choice (usually weapon of specialization). The Sae Darrin knight can carry any other weapons they wish, but must be acquired through adventuring or bought.

Every member of the Knighthood is issued a suit of plate and chain armor (A.R.:15, S.D.C.: 100). Unless going into battle for Sae Darrin himself, they will never wear any other type of armor.