The elite of the thieving world, these men and women are highly trained, guilded thieves. Operating out of almost every city in Vallinor, they spy, steal, kidnap, and sabotage for a sizable fee. Although not as powerful in the combat arts as other men of arms, they are able to slip into places that would shock they eyes out of a gargoyle.
Rumored to be able to disappear into thin air, move inaudibly, open the most impossible of locks, disarm traps, and climb surfaces a fly couldn't, these people can do it all. Although many accuse them of using magic to perform their feats, it is actually nothing more than exceptional training at the right time. They themselves are not over fond of magic at all, but will use magic items if it serves their purpose.
Shadow Walkers are members of a guild. Currently there are eight guilds recognized in Vallinor, but there are other smaller guilds scattered though the Kingdoms. The colors and style of costume they wear note each guild. This distinction is unknown by most of the people in Vallinor, but stands out like a sore thumb to anyone involved in that particular guild. Each one is different and each one is not sure about the other.
Although the guilds are separate, there is a comradery between them. Betraying the trust between guilds is a deadly undertaking often involving the disappearance of numerous people before the conflict comes to an end.
Not all thieves are evil, but they all are trained in the arts of theivery and love to use them. This, of course, makes them a prime target for suspicion when things go missing. This is not to say that they didn't take the item, it just means that every time something is gone, it is often blamed on Shadow Walkers.
They refer to each other as Guilded, professional thieves, and often have assosicate in high levels of government. National leaders often hire the Guilded in order to gain intelligence on other nations and armies, steal precious items, and sometimes to kill key people. Assassinations are almost never carried out, leaving that to the Mardian.
Shadow Walkers, Armor and Weapons
The Guilded are thieves and refuse to wear any sort of heavy armor, but understand it's usefulness in different circumstances. They will never wear armor made of metal because it is too heavy and bulky not to mention that it makes hiding and stealth a moot point.
Shadow Walkers do wear a type of metal armor at all times. This special armor consists of two bracers that cover the entire length of the fore-arm, as well as a special shin protector that hinges at the ankle and covers the top part of the foot. This allows them to parry weapons without taking damage and doing so empty-handed.
Like the common thief, they do not use two handed weapons apart from a bow or crossbow. They are all ambidextrous, but are under the same penalty for paired weapons as anyone else. Exotic weapons are the weapons of choice for these men and women, things like full-moons, daggers, sai, blow-guns, and blackjacks.
O.C.C. Skills
Pick Locks +15%
Pick Pockets +15%
Prowl +10%
Streetwize +14%
W.P. two of choice
Hand-to-Hand: Basic
Locate Secret Compartments/Doors +15%
Languages: Native, and one of choice
Disappear +10%
Attribute Minimums: P.P.: 10+, M.A.: 9+
Special Abilities:
30% chance of Paired Weapons
+2 Dodge
Fearless (immune to H.F., but not to Awe)
For details on completing your Shadow Walker character, see page 91-94